Cheesy pop music. Daytime TV. Rom-coms with a predictable ending. Sleeping in late with no alarm. Indulging in a chocolate brownie. What do these things all have in common? Despite the fact that we all might appreciate them from time to time, they’re often seen as ‘guilty pleasures’. Isn’t it time we took the guilt out of our pleasures, and just allowed ourselves to enjoy them?
What’s a guilty pleasure anyway?
A guilty pleasure is something that you like, but you also feel as though you’re not meant or allowed to. Research into attitudes about guilty pleasures found that they tend to fall into two distinctive categories: what we put into bodies (i.e., food and drink) and what we put into our minds (i.e., music, TV, films, and social media).
But here’s the thing – feeling guilt about something doesn’t actually stop you from wanting it, only from enjoying it.
It’s time we left the guilt and judgement out of the things that make us feel good, and celebrated them for brightening our day and our mood.
We don’t feel guilty about the things we enjoy
We asked members of the Grazia team about some of the things they love to do and don’t feel any guilt about...
Charlotte, Fashion Assistant: I love watching mindless tv
I know, I know, that the time that I spend watching shows like Love Island or Emily in Paris or Too Hot To Handle could be much better spent, but I just really love settling down on the sofa, tucking into a Fibre One brownie turning one of those shows on, and turning my mind off. Yes, I could watch a documentary or read a book (and obviously I do those things too) but after a long day of work and being super switched on, it’s nice to just chill and watch something easy.
Remy, Fashion and Beauty Assistant: I don’t set an alarm on the weekends
I have heard many, many times about the many, many benefits of being an early riser – the bird and the worm and all that – and during the working week, I’m out of bed without too many snoozes. But when it comes to the weekend, that’s my time and there’s no way I’m setting an alarm. I love staying in bed as late as I want in the morning and only getting up when I fancy a snack..
Annie, Beauty Editor: I never feel bad about ordering takeaway
Listen, I’m pretty good when it comes to healthy eating and sticking to an exercise plan most of the time, but some days, I really just can’t be bothered – you know, sometimes I’ve had a really long day or I’m lacking the motivation – and I don’t feel bad about giving myself the night off and ordering some food off an app and getting it delivered straight to my door. And if I want to finish with a yummy Red Velvet Cake bar from Fibre One, well no one is going to make me feel bad about that!

Dive into pleasure with Fibre One
Fibre One doesn’t believe in guilty pleasures, but just in life’s little pleasures – like their 90-calorie range of brownies, cake bars, popcorn bars and protein bars. Not only are they delicious and come in a huge range of flavours, they’re all also high in fibre, helping you to boost your daily fibre intake.
Fibre One recently launched their new Crave Club campaign, where you can leave any crumbs of guilt at the door and step into a world of utter indulgence. Fibre One would love you to be part of this club – a club with no fixed location, to celebrate real life and its little pleasures -because life is too short to deny ourselves the things that make our days a little brighter.