Super Speedy Leftover Turkey Curry Soup To Make This Evening

Microwave meals don't have to be unhealthy, unsatisfying trays of doom. This week: Turkey Curry Soup

Super Speedy Leftover Turkey Curry Soup To Make This Evening

by Joanne Gould |
Published on

Turkey, while it's great for Christmas, can be a bit tiresome when you’re still eating it weeks into January.

Next time, tell your mum she can buy a smaller bird but, in the meantime, take a leaf out of Bridget Jones’ familial traditions and get spicing with a turkey curry… soup.

This is essentially a festive version of mulligatawny and is really quite good for you too after all that Christmas booze, pastry and excess. Lean protein, a mixture of whatever veg you have and some nourishing stock is always a good thing and, once you’ve thrown turmeric into the mix from the masala there’s also the anti-inflammatory powers and all sorts of other benefits.

Oh, and the cream but you deserve that. Post-Christmas is depressing enough as it is.

Turkey Curry Soup


You will need:

Handful leftover turkey, shredded

½ onion

1 small carrot

1 stick celery

Turkey or chicken stock – a small jug full

1tsp garam masala or curry powder

A few curry leaves if you have them

1-2tbsp cream

What to do

  1. Finely chop the carrot, celery, onion and put in a bowl with the garam masala and a tiny bit of olive oil. You need a bit to help the curry spices release their flavour and aroma, but too much and you’ll have nasty globs of oil floating on the top of your finished soup, ugh.

  2. Stir well, so the veg is coated with the spices then cover with cling film and microwave on full power for 3 minutes.

  1. Add the stock to the bowl. Hopefully you’ll have some nice fresh leftover stuff from Christmas, but if not then a decent-ish stockpot or cube dissolved in water will do.

  2. Add the turkey and the curry leaves. Cover again and microwave for a further two minutes.

  3. Fish out the curry leaves and stir in the cream to serve.

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Follow Jo on Twitter @JoEatsLondon

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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