Was your New Year’s resolution to stop wasting over a tenner a day on buying croissants, lattes and sad sandwiches from Pret/EAT/Boots/delete as appropriate? Us too. So put some time aside Sunday or Monday night and make a big batch of something healthy, tasty and far more satisfying that will last you through the week.
This butternut squash and cashew curry is high in vitamin A, vitamin C and good fats, and Indian spices are anti-inflammatory and good for everything from digestion to boosting your body’s antioxidant capacity. There’s nothing hard about this recipe: do some chopping, then stir it all up and leave it for a while and you’re good to go.
Butternut Curry Lunch
You will need:
Handful raw cashews
1 onion
½ butternut squash
1 heaped tbsp garam masala (or make your own from mustard seeds, cumin, ground coriander, turmeric and chilli powder if you’re really fancy)
1 heaped tbsp tomato puree
Can of coconut milk
Chapatis, coriander and lime to serve. If you want.

What to do:
Finely chop the onion and fry off in a large saucepan. We like using coconut oil as it’s a great fat to use for health reasons, plus it tastes amazing in this. A tablespoon should do it.
Meanwhile, roughly chop the butternut squash into large chunks, discarding the skin. Not going to lie, this is hard and requires brute force and a large knife. If you’ve had the foresight to buy ready-prepared squash, well done you.
After a few minutes of cooking the onions, add the curry spices and stir. Add the butternut squash fruits of your labour and the tomato paste and stir it all together.

After a few more minutes, pour in the coconut milk. Bring it to the boil, then cover and turn down the heat. Leave to cook for 30-40 minutes until the squash has a lovely texture to it.
Finish it off by toasting the cashew nuts in a dry pan – this will take about 30 seconds and just helps to release all the lovely oils and boost the flavour.
Sprinkle the nuts over the curry. If you have some lime and coriander then that would be nice but no biggie if not. We like ours with some nice chapatis.

PS. If you’re making this for consumption outside the office, then some garlic and loads of fresh green chilli is pretty nice in it too. Add this along with the onion.
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Follow Jess on Twitter @Jess_Commons
This article originally appeared on The Debrief.