A Few Super Easy Breakfast Recipes To Get You Through This Week

For everyone from the overachiever to the total mess of a human being

A Few Stupidly Easy Breakfast Recipes To Get You Through This Week

by Jess Commons |
Published on

If you're a mess of a human being...


And absolutely can't prepare anything beforehand (welcome to my world ladies) then this is the 'recipe' (and I use that term loosely) for you. I promise it'll fill you up too. No matter how meagre it looks.


***2 eggs

Black pepper



  • Pop into a supermarket on your way to work, pick up a box of eggs (and pepper and milk if your work is too stingy to supply you with such things.

  • Break two eggs in a bowl, add a dash of milk (soya actually works really well too if you're doing dairy free), whisk with a fork.

  • Put the bowl in the microwave on medium high for two minutes. At 1 minute, take out and fluff with your fork again. Return to the microwave and blast for a futher minute (all microwaves have their own quirks obvs so this might take a bit of trial and error).

  • Sprinkle with black pepper. If you can be arsed, add half an avocado, or some salmon, ham, chillies or seeds.

If you're on a health kick

Deliciously Ella would be proud. Coconut chia pudding is something our Creative Ed Anna had in a hipster cafe in Australia, and then figured out it's super easy to re-create at home. This could be a pricey brekkie, but pick up the chia seeds in health shops (they're currently buy one get one half price in Holland & Barratt), and the coconut milk is always cheaper in the international foods aisle of the supermarket. It's super yummy and the chia seeds are an amazing source of omega-3 and fiber to help you de-bloat. They also fill you up right up until lunchtime. Win win.


***2 tbsp chia seeds

4 tbsp coconut milk

4 tbsp water

Chopped fruit (mango, pinapple or kiwi all work well)

Coconut flakes (optional)


  • Add chia seeds, coconut milk and water to a small container, pop the lid on and give a good shake to make sure all the seeds are coated.

  • Pop the lid on and leave overnight in the fridge to soak. If using frozen fruit (great if on a budget), add this in now so it can defrost overnight.

  • In the morning, take out and top with the chopped fruit if using fresh, and a sprinkling of coconut flakes if you fancy.

If you're on an overachieving kick

Our editor Rebecca did this breakfast recipe for a solid two weeks once. Sure it didn't last much longer than that due to her having other commitments/getting bored that her evenings were taken up with making breakfast, but if you're feeling ambitious (there's a time for everything) then knuckle down and try this recipe for soaked oats out for a week.


Half a cup oats

Half a cup soya milk

Half cup soya yoghurt

Half a banana

A pinch of salt

A pinch of cinnamon

Chia seeds


  • So, the night before you put half a cup of oats, half a cup of soya milk and half a cup of soya yoghurt together in a container with half a banana, a pinch of salt, a pinch of cinnamon and some chia seeds (not obligatory, but they last forever, also they swell up like frogspawn and really fill you up).

  • In Tupperware container. Put the lid on and whack in the fridge overnights. Doesn’t have to be soya, but it’s lower fat, and also don’t think it tastes any different once the toppings are on…

  • Then in the morning just add whatever toppings you like and eat, no cooking, no nothing – my personal combo is flaked almonds and raspberries, but there are loads – this woman is basically the god of soaked oats and it’s her recipe I use – great for topping ideas.

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Follow Jess on Twitter @Jess_Commons

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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