If you're anything like me then the first thing you did when it got sunny (after hacking your way through the oversized furball that had grown itself under your arms obvs) was get on the old computer and Google 'summer salads' because, well, actually I don't know. You just do. It's what you do when it gets sunny.
Anyways, the humble mason jar salad has fast become a staple when it comes to taking salads into work. The jar means it's not going spill all over your bag (curse you Tupperware and your flimsy, flimsy lids) and the fact that it's a jar with a heavy base means you can layer up the ingredients separately until it's time to mix veg with dressing, nuts with seeds and meat with cheese to create a beautifully mixed nom fest.
Anyways, here's some of our faves.
Very cheap and very healthy one
We're obsessed with the delightful Madeleine Shaw and this salad is not only super duper easy to make, it's also super cheap. Make four at a time to make the most of the avocados and buy your quinoa from Tesco (it's almost laughably cheaper than any health food store). Otherwise it's just a case of getting your hands on tomatos, lettuce, avocado and chia seeds. Everything else you (or your housemates) have almost certainly got already.
Get the recipe here.
Blueberry + feta = joy
If you can successfully figure out a recipe that combines fruit and savoury then you're more talented than us. Luckily Laura over at WholeHeartedlyHealthy has made up this salad for you which combines blueberry and orange with buckwheat and feta. Top tip; strawberries also work really well with feta.
Get the recipe here.
Chickpeas are basic but Instagrammable
Beans and chickpeas make a good base for these jar salads because they're not going to shrink in the dressing at the bottom which will protect your upper layers from getting all wilty before you're ready to dig in. This super simple recipe from PoppyLoves combines cannellini beans with green beans, sun dried tomatos and sugar snap peas.** **
Get the recipe here.
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.