How to Have A Pre-Payday Dinner Party For £2 A Head

And there's not a whiff of tuna pasta bake. Promise.

How to Have A Pre-Payday Dinner Party For £2 A Head

by Joanne Gould |
Published on

Stuffy small talk style dinner parties are nobody’s bag, but a table full of your mates + free flowing booze + yum food is always a winner. When pre-payday restrictions hit, gather four of your nearest and dearest for a night of gourmet gossiping by forcing your most kitchen-savvy pal to make this bargainous three courser without bothering your overdraft. If you have a whip round you can probably even scrape enough together for a few bottles of fizz if its on offer…

What you need

From the shop:

Arborio rice £1.10

Tinned tomatoes 39p

Mozzarella 43p

Onion 16p

700g pork belly £5

Readymade polenta 79p

Basil (from garden)

Aubergine 50p

Ice cream 90p

From the store cupboard:


Egg if you have one


Lemon juice



Chilli powder / fresh chilli

Your fave liqueur / spirit

Parmesan if you have it



Starter: Aracini Arrabbiata


These little fried risotto balls are a hit with everyone ever. If you’ve got leftover risotto from dinner in the week then all the better, but otherwise make a quick risotto up using ½ tin tomatoes, garlic and lots of chilli. Let cool and then form balls around small nubs of mozzarella – buy the cheapest you can as it's being fried anyway. Roll each formed ball in either water or a whisked egg mixture and then roll in polenta or breadcrumbs. Fry in groundnut oil carefully until golden. Serve on a bed of any greenery you have and perhaps some grated cheese on top.

Main: Confit Pork Belly on Caponata

Pork belly is super cheap to buy, and confiting it means its always going to taste delicious. Do so by seasoning it with whatever Italian style flavours you have around (I used fennel seeds) and plenty of salt and pepper. Place in a roasting dish with plenty of olive oil and leave it to do its thing at about 140C for a few hours. Caponata is a Sicilian aubergine stew made by slowly sauteeing off diced onion, aubergine and capers then adding the rest of your tinned tomatoes, garlic and a pinch of sugar. I served the pork in handy slices on top of the caponata and grilled some readymade polenta to go with it.

Pudding: Boozy Affogato

This one kills two birds with one stone and is a legitimate Italian pudding, ok?, just in case anyone challenges you. Make up some espressos, spike with your favourite booze (Amaretto or Whiskey come highly recommended) and plop in a scoop of cheapo gelato. If you’re feeling arty you can put something like a single square of dark choc (mine was the new Salted Lindt stuff natch) on top.

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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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