I'm not sure if you could tell by all the declarations of love and heart-filled social media filters, but it's Valentines Day. A time for love romance/to roll your eyes in despair every time someone posts a picture of the super cute gifts their other half bought them to Instagram.#baedidgood, #lovethem. When push comes to shove and we forget about the love bit for a sec, Valentines Day is also a time when marketing geniuses like to sell us lots of novelty versions of the same drinks we've been drinking throughout the rest of the year anyway. It's a pain in the ass, yes. It calls into question a lot of things about society, gender bias and the power of advertising.
And you can be justifiably mad at the commodification of romance (and beverages), or you can roll with it and pour yourself a hard earned drink for surviving the day.
Before you reach for the flavourless bottle of very expensive pink gin, though, we've got something a little more exciting for you. We went and scoured Pinterest for some pretty pink drinks to drink tonight (or on any occasion, for that matter) with your lovely fancy person, with your wonderful mates, or by your own beautiful self. Because sometimes you just deserve a nice little treat. And yes, millennial pink became a thing for a reason - pink always looks really bloody good under every filter on The Instagram. Enjoy...
The Debrief Pink Cocktails

Cran-Raspberry Spritzer
If you want to keep your wits about you: go for the MomDotspin on a vodka cranberry (i.e. without the vodka). This easy pleaser is just some cranberry-raspberry juice, fresh lemon, raspberries and some fizz sprite-like liquid.

Cranberry, Vodka And Raspberry Cocktail
If you're feeling mature: vodka ain't for everyone. But if you get it right (like the Could I Have That recipe) it might just turn you. Ice and fresh rosemary absolutely necessary. That's where the grown up vibes come in.

Pink Champagne Float
If you're feeling decadent: Countryside Cravings have a fun treat for you. Bringing the novetly of drinks with dollops of ice cream floating around into the grown up world we have a raspberry sorbet, champagne, sprite and pineapple combination going on. Best consumed with a spoon.

Pink Watermelon Slushies
If you're not in the mood for booze: slushies are fun. As is watermelon. Half Baked Harvest says to put them together with some sugar, lemon juice and ice for some innocent, hangover free fun.

Raspberry Champagne Float
If you haven't broken all the good glasses: These pink champagne floats from The Perennial Styleare pretty similar to the ones before but look how pretty they look in tall wine glasses.

Raspberry Mojito
If you know what you like: can't go wrong with a mojito. So don't mess around with it too much, just throw some raspberries into give it a bit of a colour flush with this recipe fromRecipes From A Pantry.

Rosé Spritzer
If you've left it last minute and can't afford pink fizz: make like the Monika Hibbs blog and top up your glass of regular rose with some lemonade and add a fancy garnish.
Follow Jazmin on Instagram@JazKopotsha
This article originally appeared on The Debrief.