What's going to be the kale of 2017? Well, there's a lot of competition. And, as much as you might find the whole concept of 'food trends' ridiculous, trust us on this, there was once a time that you used to scoff at avocado. Now you can't move for avocado.
Here's what's up for 2017.
Purple Stuff

Straight from the chaps at Whole Foods this one who claim purple veggies are a ‘fast growing trend’. Purple veg isn’t just limited to purple cabbage or purple sprouting broccoli though, oh no. Get ready for purple cauliflower, purple asparagus, purple sweet potatoes and purple sweetcorn. It’s a no from me Simon.
Watermelon Juice

Last year, Beyonce Knowles bought shares in WTRMLN WTR, which, as well as having a worrying lax attitude to vowels is on track to spearhead like the new fancy water trend. After a year (ten years?) of coconut water, it’s finally out with the spunky water and in with this fresh, yummy, ‘good for you’ stuff. It’s packed with potassium but um, watch out for sugar content in watermelon water, it varies from brand to brand but tends to be pretty high.

Just when you thought you’d reached peak-Scandinavia what with Hygge, interior design and noir detective shows, now allow them to introduce Aquavit – a liquor popular in Scandinavia and Northern Germany. It’s herbally – think caraway and cumin, cardamom and fennel. Drink chilled in a glass with ice.
Vegetable Yoghurts

Really. Back in August Arla launched a kids range of veggie yoghurts and Whole Foods (where else) have got a few in stock. Think yoghurt flavoured with beetroot, carrot, sweet potato and tomato… Hmm.

Dubious about this one but adaptogens are supposedly helpful for ridding the body of stress. Like, you can destress yourself but thinking about what you eat… Hmm. Apparently they’re thought to be present in ginseng, basil, mushrooms… You can buy as a powder and mix into teas.
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.