Make A Microwave Quesadilla For Dinner In 4 Minutes Flat

Microwave meals don't have to be unsatisfying trays of doom

Make A Microwave Quesadilla For Dinner In 4 Minutes Flat

by Joanne Gould |
Published on

Fancy a spicy Mexican tonight? Of course you do. Grab yourself a tortilla wrap or two and raid your cupboards for this super simple quesadilla recipe that's ready in 4 minutes flat. We used an old can of kidney beans we found at the back of the cupboard, but you can use anything you like from cheapo tinned tomatoes to chorizo to sweetcorn to chicken. Even tuna. You get the picture. Go forth and microwave.

Microwave Quesadilla


What you need

1 tortilla wrap

1/2 can kidney beans

Handful chopped red onion

1 tomato

Handful grated cheese

Squeeze of chilli sauce. I like Encona Jalapeno Sauce

1 lime

What to do

Put the beans, tomato and onion in a microwave bowl with a squeeze of the chilli sauce to taste. Cover with cling film and microwave on full power for 3 minutes.

Grate cheese over a tortilla.

Put the bean mixture in the centre of the tortilla and spread out. Fold in half and press the wrap together.

Cover with cling film and microwave for 1 minute.

Serve with a squeeze of lime and sour cream.

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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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