Breakfast might be the most important meal of the day but boy, is it boring. Between trying to squeeze something nutritious in as part of your 10-minute bed-desk morning routine and actually recognising that sadly no, all brunches don't just automatically come with a side of bottomless bubbles, taking the time to prepare something good and proper is a lot of effort and often pretty uninspired.
Now that it's cold and depressing outside, that bowl of microwave porridge you've been eating at your desk to warm yourself up is probably starting to looking pretty depressing. So maybe it's about time to either make a little extra time before you leave the house for work or take advantage of being indoors/at your parents house for rest of the Christmas period.
We're rounded up some of the yummiest looking hot breakfast recipes that Pinterest has to offer. Each appetising enough to make leaving your nice warm bed totally worth it.
Debrief Hot Breakfasts To Make At Home That Arenu2019t Porridge

1. Banana Bread French Toast
Double up on banana-y goodness with this French Toast recipe by Jo Cooks. You use banana bread for the toast bit and top with warm, caramelised bananas for probably the dreamiest of all the lazy Sunday breakfasts. Especially if you've got a bit of a sweet tooth.

2. Baked Eggs With Avocado and Spicy Tomatos
Think, poached eggs and smashed avo meets shakshuka. Except instead of cold mushy avocado you've got warm, ever so slightly cooked slices of avocado to keep those eggs in order. Don't be fooled by how fancy it looks, the Kaylins Kitchen recipeis actually super straight forward.

3. Super Easy Frittata
Want something a bit more exciting than a cheese omelette? Don't blame you mate. Make like the Ally's Cooking blog, throw some spinach bacon and peppers in to the mix and give a frittata a go. An easy crowd pleaser for when your friends come round expecting to be fed at 11.50am.

4. Vegan Breakfast Burrito
I've always been intrigued by the humble breakfast burrito. If you have too, Lauren Craig Cooks has devised the ultimate vegan version and it looks mega. Chickpea scramble replaces the eggs, vegan bacon for the, erm, bacon, and of course some trusty avocado to round things off.

5. Homemade Egg McMuffins
Shout out to all the loyal McDonalds breakfast fans out there who find Saturday mornings unbearably sad when your equally hungover pal refuses to go pick up your McMuffin order. Now you can ask them to make your breakfast instead. Point them in the direction of the RealAdviceGal blogand pray for a cup of tea to come with it.

6. Baked Eggs in Sweet Potato Nests
Yep, there's a lot of egg action at breakfast time but a more exciting alternative to your usual incidental scramble might be the Best Gluten Free Life recipe. It involves sweet potato and who doesn't love sweet potato?

7. Courgette Fries And Dippy Eggs
When you're ready to upgrade your dippy eggs and soldiers, try swapping the bread for courgette fries like the Kitchen Sanctuary does to sneak a little extra veg into your morning. (Don't worry, they're not bland. The courgette fries are coated in parmesan).
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**Follow Jazmin on Instagram **@JazKopotsha
This article originally appeared on The Debrief.