The masters of the gin world are looking for people to test and review their brand-new flavours of gin. Don’t go quitting your full-time job just yet, you won’t get paid for the privilege but you will get to keep the gin. Result.
Gordon’s are bringing out a range of new flavours in the summer and you could be one of the first to try them. The new flavours include:
Gordon’s premium pink, which follows the original Gordon’s recipe with added natural sweetness of raspberries and strawberries, with a tang of red currant. They promise that this will be a sweeter and ‘more accessible way’ to enjoy the classic G & T.
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Gordon’s sloe gin was originally released in 1908 but this never before tired recipe brings is back to life. Taste notes include raspberry jam, hints of figs, cinnamon, stewed fruits and sweet almond. Seriously, this deal just gets sweeter and sweeter. See what I did there?
Lastly, Gordon’s spot of elderflower offers a yummy twist on a classic. Combining the dryness of the gin with the twist of elderflower will make it a hard one to share.
If this sounds something you could sink your teeth into, you better hurry. Applications close on March 31st. Let the fun be-gin, hopefully you don’t make any POUR decisions while you’re testing. HA, I’m giving you comedy gold.
This article originally appeared on The Debrief.