Allow us, if you will to get all Mystic Meg on you. Here’s five ways technology is going to change the way you eat.
You’ll Order All Your Food Without Talking To A Human Being
Already a thing at Soho’s Inamo and Tokyo’s Logbar. Think Tesco’s self service machines but instead of struggling to get the bagging area to recognise the weight of a carrot, you can choose meal options straight from the table’s interactive surface without having to whisper so much of a hello to a waiter. Perfect for the permanently awkward.
Ditto For Your Drinks
Queuing for the bar is OVER (thank the lord) with tablet ordering systems that are popping up in bars from Chicago to Kuala Lumpur to London. On top of ordering drinks, these nifty devices mean you can control the jukebox, access the internet and even play games when your mates are getting boring. Check it out at London’s The Thirsty Bear.

Technology Will Try Its Darndest To Stop You Getting Fat
Well these forks are fun. They basically tell you to SLOW THE HELL DOWN if you’re shoveling food into your mouth with too much wild abandon. Can’t think of anything more fun TBH. Also means you have to be the guy who brings their own cutlery to a restaurant. No-one wants to be that guy.

Brands Will Make You Buy Their Shit And You Won’t Even Realise
For reals. Hellmanns (of the mayonnaise fame) attached screens to supermarket trolleys in Brazil, which detected when a tub of Hellmanns was placed in the cart. It then suggested recipes using said mayonnaise as you walked past certain ingredients. As a result, sales went up by 70%. Expect loads more of this as marketeers get license to get more ‘creative’.

Your Ice Cubes Are Going To Stop You Boozing
I mean probably not. But an MIT student did make a prototype of synthetic ice cubes that light up red when you’re drinking too much or too fast. Too many red lights? It’ll text your friends. Score one for the fun police.

Follow Jess on Twitter @jess_commons
This article originally appeared on The Debrief.