They say don’t believe what you read in the papers, but now you can’t believe what’s in your glass either.
Fake wine is being manufactured en masse and, apparently, wine afficianados can’t even tell the difference.
These fake wines are manufactured in a lab in Denver by Integrated Beverage Group – a company started in 2015 by Ari Walker and Kevin Hicks whose sole purpose is to duplicate popular wines and sell them on to retailers at a much cheaper price.
By analysing particles that make up a wine in a lab, the team – which includes master sommeliers and chemists - can replicate the taste.
The team starts by bulk buying cheaper wines and mixing them together until they taste overwhelmingly similar to the wine they are trying to recreate, wine experts verify the taste before it’s bottled.
READ NOW: The Best Alcoholic Vegan Drink Recipes
The Debrief Vegan Alcoholic Drinks Recipes

Tequila Spiked Mexican Hot Chocolate
A hot chocolate not for the feint hearted. Let's just say that the tequila gives the whole thing a big kick of extra warmth.

English Garden Cocktail
I imagine this is the sort of thing that'd come to mind when you think of vegan booze - something fresh and outdoorsy like this gin and mint treat.

Vegan Frozen White Russians
I bet you thought this wouldn't be a thing. But we're here to tell you that vegan-friendly white Russians are a thing. And a bloody delicious, creamy looking one at that.

Dairy-Free Pina Colada
Four ingredient, no-fuss, pina colada to bring a bit of sunshine to the dreariest of days? Sign us up.

Vegan Nutella Cream Liqueur
Baileys have only recently ventured into the vegan Irish cream market, but there's a way to whip up your own digestif that'll probably change your life.

Rose Wine Slushies
For when you desperately want a glass of wine but fond memories of childhood slush puppies are getting in the way of your cravings.

Blackberry Mulled Wine
Contrary to popular belief, mulled wine doesn't just have to be for Christmas.
So far these replica wines are sold in 49 American states, and the team has been able to match the key flavours and attributes of some of the most popular drinks on the market, such as Dom Pérignon and Chardonnay.
But there are some beverages that just can’t be copied – wines where all the grapes come from a specific vineyard for example.
‘The reason [we’re] so successful,’ co-founder Kevin Hicks told Wired journalist Bruce Schoenfeld, ‘Is that it tastes consistent, year after year, bottling after bottling. You know what you’re going to get, like Coca-Cola or Campbell’s soup.’
Bottoms up!