12.15pm LFW has only just started and I'm already running late, but I manage to grab a free flat white from the British Fashion Council space at 180 The Strand. I'm too busy fawning over the Ashish-designed cups to finish my coffee before the security guards confiscate it from me for trying to sneak it into the Marta Jakubowski show.

3.20pm I'm three shows deep and only have time to grab a miso soup and pot of mango from Pret. This is a very sorry excuse for a lunch.

4pm Sneakily I steal a can of coke backstage at Ashley Williams. Pretty sure these are meant for the models, but I'm crashing and need a sugar high.

6.15pm The crowd at Le Kilt is heaving but armed with elbows, a friend and I manage to get to the front of the bar queue and grab a sugary cocktail.

8pm I've got 15 minutes before I need to leave the house so I resort to uni student-grade cooking and eat a bowl of pasta with pesto, M&S marinated artichokes and heaps of Parmesan. Very fashuuun, I know.

10pm My bus took foreeeever and I've missed the free bar at the Viceland party. The tears don't last long as my friend's boyfriend buys a round of gin and tonics while another mate wrangles free drinks wristbands for the group. Score.
9am Not feeling too perky so I drink all the half empty bottles of water littered around my bedroom.

10.45am After Ryan Lo I head to the Fashion East showspace, which is hosted my Topshop. As ever, Toppers pulls through and has catered the event. I skip the booze and grab a kale and apple juice.
12am Alyss (The Debrief's social media editor) and I stop by Albion (along with half of LFW) to get brunch. She has envy-inducing avo on toast while I have mushrooms on toast and a whole pot of coffee. I was so hungry I forgot to take a photo, oops. With the caffeine jitters underway we order a wheat-free chocolate cake. It was so good I still dream about it.

1.30pm I have a coconut water at Markus Lupfer and feel very zen. Ten minutes later I cave and have a glass of champagne. Can you blame a girl?

7pm It's been a long day so I accept another glass of bubbles at House of Holland.

9pm Faced with the choice of going to a party or watching This Is Us in bed with a bag of Proppercorn that I stole from the BFC space earlier, I choose the latter.
11am My editor Rebecca is covering this morning's shows so I get away with having a lie-in. When I finally peel myself off my bed I make a bowl of stodgy porridge.
2pm After stuffing Topshop's chicken and lettuce and broccoli salad pots in my bag along with a slice of Vicky sponge, I have a mini picnic outside the Tate while I write up my show report. Sophisticated, I know.

5pm In the name of research I try both the non- and the alcoholic cocktails at the MM6 presentation. And, I can report both were delicious.

8pm I skip the parties and have sushi with my dad at Jin Kichi instead. No regrets.

10am More free coffee from the BFC showspace. I'm going to miss this when LFW finishes.
1pm The wonderful people at Farmstand send me a free 'Fashion Fix Box' of sea trout, black beans and quinoa. I can feel the healthiness wash over me.

1.30pm Had a watermelon-flavoured snowcone in Sophia Webster's frozen-themed presentation. Hands down, the highlight of LFW.

3pm Knocked back a Bucks Fizz at Clio Peppiatt.
8pm As much as I loved the Ashish show I spent the whole time thinking about what I was going to make for dinner. As the first and only time this LFW I've been able to get home to cook a proper meal I made a relatively healthy tuna nicose salad.
10am I've got things to do, places to be and people to see. On the way to cover backstage at Marques'Almeida I picked up a vat of coffee and a sticky pastry.
12pm The press room at the BFC showspace has laid out salads and in the process saved my stomach from rumbling during Dorateymur.

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Follow Lucy on Instagram @lucyalicemorris
This article originally appeared on The Debrief.