A lot has been going on in the world recently. And we’re not just talking about the fact Donald Trump might actually become President of the United States, although that is something we’re currently worrying about in Debrief HQ. But among the bad shit, some guys on Reddit have taken it upon themselves to create a drinking game to help them cope whenever someone mentions anything from Brexit to ISIS. So if you fancy getting fruity (I can use that as code word for drunk, right?) on your Friday to drown your sorrows about the state of our world right now, here’s how to play.
News so painful to watch my housemates and I made a drinking game to cope:
1 Take a drink everytime the word Brexit is used. Bonus drink if it is used as a verb. Bonus drink if it is being shoehorned into an unrelated story.
2 Take a drink everytime ISIS is mentioned. Bonus drink if it is called "so called Islamic State"
3 Take a drink everytime the word recession is used. Twice if its a double dip, three times for a triple dip.
4 Dont leave me baby! Take a drink everytime Scottish, Irish or Welsh independence is mentioned.
5 Corbyn looks like he is one more insult from breaking down and crying :( drink to help dull the pain of his existence.
6 Theresa May is talking again. Drink until she shuts the fuck up. Caution may take 6-10 years
7 A wild Boris Johnson appears! Players do their best Boris impression of him lying about the EU or insulting a foreign delegate. Player with the worst impression drinks.
8 Ordinary British Bloke! Whenever Nigel Farage is shown drinking a pint shout Ordinary British Bloke! And then down your pint with him. Last player to finish is an illegal migrant and gets deported.
9 Jolly good show! Whenever a group of MP's is shown doing the clap-laugh-thing you need to clap-laugh with them in your best posh twat impression. Whoever has the worst impression is a pleb and has to drink.
10 Build The Wall! Whenever Trump is on screen players are charged with building a wall. Player with the worst wall has to drink.
This may result in being drunk by the end of Look North and dead by the end of Newsnight. New rule suggestions are appreciated.
Number 6 is an absolute killer, I can’t handle one night of 6-8 hours drinking let alone years. Better get started…deargodhelpusall.
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.