Guys. Just because it's not July any more doesn't mean you need to strap on your chastity belt, batten down the hatches and make a big pot of stew to sup sullenly over the next few months. There's still loads of fun stuff you can get up to this weekend. Proof? Read on...
Go eat meatballs like a champ at IKEA's pop-up restaurant
Wanna eat IKEA meatballs without putting your relationship in jeapordy by actually GOING to IKEA with your boyfriend/girlfriend/housemate? Sure you do. This weekend, the furniture superstore are opening a Dining Club in Shoreditch in London and you can go down and eat meatballs to your hearts' content. Yeah. There's breakfast on Saturday, and takeaway for lunch plus, drinks in the evening. There's loads of other events and workshops going on over the ten days it's around for too. If you want to do a dining club for your mates too, you can sign up for the chance to do that too - absolutely free.

IKEA Dining Club, 10-25th September, Shoreditch. More info here.
Get super zen at The Gathering
Techinically not a weekend event but it's a very good event so we'll let it slide. The Gathering is a 'night of conversation, meditation and live music' which is exactly the kind of wanky we can get on board with. Lucy Rose is playing, Will Williams is doing guided mediation and there's a Q&A with the Hemsley sisters. There's no booze, but there's lots of expensive tea and ALL OF THE FOOD. Tickets are £29.50 but think HOW GOOD YOU'LL FEEL AFTER.

The Gathering London, Thursday 8th September, 6:30-11, London. Get more info and tickets here.
Get your bottom soggy at Sue Perkins Live With Spectacles in Brighton
Will you be the youngest person in the audience? Probably. Will you care? Not a jot. Bake Off's Sue Perkins is currently gallivanting her way around the UK like an absolutely trooper on a promo tour for her new book Spectacles. Basically, she's going to stand on stage and dazzle audience members with the same sparkling wit that keeps you from smashing your own soggy bottom right into Paul Hollywood's on screen face every Wednesday. Tickets are £25 BUT you get a copy of the book. So that's nice. PS, there's one in Salford on Sunday too if you're up north.

Sue Perkins Live in Spectacles tour. Sat 10th, Brighton Dome, Sunday 11th, The Lowry, Salford. More info and more dates here.
Find out what cool girls with cool ideas are doing at the Leeds Zine Fair
There's like, a gazilion girls doing awesome things with 'zines at the moment and it's well worth finding out what they're up to. Head over to Leeds' Left Banks for the second annual zine fair and find offerings from Manchester-based feminist zine publishers Pen Fight as well as About A Girl and Black Lodge Press.There's also lots of workshops covering topics such as marbling, screen printing and some clever clogs creating a zine in just one day. Oh, there's pizza as well. Don't forget the pizza.

Leeds Zine Fair, Sat 10th, Left Bank. Free entry. More info here.
Have the best day ever at the Victoria Park Dog Fair
How to get your dog fix for the month, all in one day. A whole entire festival dedicated to dogs in London's Victoria Park. It's free to get in (although I don't think you can put a price on getting yourself into the most heavily doggy populated area in the capital really can you) and once you're inside there's doggy competitions like 'Mr Victoria Park', 'Mrs Victoria Park' and the highly coveted 'Waggiest Tail' (£3 to enter your dog, bargain), a tombola, a raffle, stalls selling doggy wares and the chance to meet some of the doggies from All Dogs Matter who are looking for a home. So, even if you walk in without a dog, you could walk home with one after.

Victoria Park Dog Show, Sunday 11th, Victoria Park, London. More information here.
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.