If you've been doing a bit of veganuaryand you're keen to carry on for the rest of the year, you're going to need a little bit of help. Here's some bloggers to turn to if you're struggling a little.

1. Guac And Roll

Obviously she's great, she does loads of stuff for us. Ava started writing her blog way back in 2012 mainly because her friends had no idea what she could actually eat. She's now been vegan for four years and has hundreds of original and yummy recipes there for you to try out yourself, complete with lovely photography that she does herself. Her food ranges from the super filling (check out this vegan take on a fry-up with chipotle refried beans) to the super healthy (pumpkin chilli with polenta topping anyone?) plus, she's also got lots of different tips and tricks on how to be a vegan in a carnivorous world.
2. Fat Gay Vegan

It's a no frills kind of blog but super helpful when it comes to finding out which restaurants are vegan-friendly in both London and around the world. He is currently in Mexico for six months (handy if you're heading out there I guess) but check back through his old blog posts to find out which restaurant faves are doing their bit for veganism and which have menus you can manipulate to your needs. Especially helpful if you're after places that do good desserts and big old filling meals. Check out FGV's Instagram for sugary delights.
3. Naturally Sassy

We've spoken to blogger Saskia on The Debrief before when she kindly showed us how to make three lovely yum juices. Sassy (full name Saskia Gregson Williams) is a ballet dancer who became dairy free after suffering from chonic eczema and then vegan after a particularly bad bout of food poisoning several years later. Her blog (and subsequent book) seek to prove to her friends and family that being vegan doesn't mean there's nothing to eat. The recipes on her website are handily split into useful categories like '60 second snacks' and 'healthy on a budget' and 'meal on the go'.
4. Oh She Glows

The big dog of the vegan blogging world; Oh She Glows is Angela Liddon from Canada who started her blog to help her recover from an eating disorder in 2008. Since then she's had a bestselling cookbook (Oh She Glows the Cookbook) and had time to bring you like, a bazillion recipes to help you on your quest for veganism. It's a bit Pinterest-y, a bit clean and shiny, but nonetheless super useful if you're struggling to come up with something new and exciting to eat. Obvs it's in Canadian measurements so double check the conversions before you go bunging a whole UK sized cup of brown sugar in your pumpkin gingerbread muffins.
5. Mo'Adore

This blog is run by Morag, a 25 year old vegan living in Glasgow. Mo'Adore is a lifestyle blog so, as well as having lots of recipes, posts about where to get vegan food, restaurant reviews and tips and tricks for living a vegan lifestyle, Morag also blogs about cruelty free make-up and beauty products which is super handy if you've got no idea where to start in that area.
6. Emily Cooks Vegan

Emily is another blogger who started eating vegan after an eating disorder. She's not super strict - she does says that she blogs about the 'odd eggy/milky delight' so this isn't one for the purists. There's plenty of recipes on offer here from Emily and she writes in a nice conversational tone. Most importantly she says 'No boring salads allowed!!'.
7. Vegan In Brighton

Jojo, the blogger behind Vegan In Brighton, likes to travel and has taken her vegan eating all over Europe and North America - handy if you're heading on hols soon as she's great a recommending restaurants and cafes and talking about the vegan culture in different countries. Obvs, given the name, there's plenty about Brighton too.
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.