While the thought of doing meal prep on a Sunday afternoon isn’t exactly thrilling, it can save you a lot of time, effort and money. But where on earth do you start? What do you buy during your weekly food shop? WHERE TO BEGIN. We have the answers.
1.Get a diary. Ok ok, I know it’s annoying having to write it all down. But if you plan all your meals in advance you’re less likely to 1) spend money on a Pret, and 2) forget what you need to buy to stick to your meal prep.

2.Pick your recipes. Map out exactly what It is you want to be eating that week, and think about what days you’re going to eat it. If you make something with rice one night for dinner, cook up more so you can have it the next day for work. See, saving those pounds already!

5.Start your prep. If smoothiesare your thing why not make up smoothie bags for the week? Freeze them then just put them in the blender every morning. Easy.As.Pie.

5.Or if you don’t mind having the same lunch every day or a week why not make up 5 identical lunches?Because let’s be honest, we’re all creatures of habit here.

6.Or you could make a massive dinner for you and your pals on a Sunday then use the left overs until they run out? Two birds, one stone.

Why not be an absolute pro and prep all your snacks too so you don’t get tempted by chocolate. But if you do get tempted, that’s totally fine too, because chocolate is life.

There you go, you’re a prep pro. Now go do that food shop.
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.