Welcome to the time of year when we're encouraged to brave the 31 day long challenge (yes, challenge) that is Dry January. You know, after spending the majority of December drinking quite literally nothing but prosecco and mulled wine..
We're all very aware of the benefits, of course. There's the health aspect, the financial bonus and let us not forget the bragging rights that come with being able to say that you managed to stay off the booze for a whole month.
The only thing is though, that while the pressure of maintaining all of those (usually) alcohol related social obligations is a bit of a strain all on it's own, it doesn't always help that the alcohol-free alternatives to your favourite bevarages are often a bit pants.
Don't get us wrong, cucumber water is delightful, but if we're being honest with ourselves it doesn't always go down quite so easy when you're surrounded by all of your mates who are drinking all the drinks you're not allowed to drink.
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Which is precisely why we've rounded up the best alcohol-free alternatives to some of the most popular alcoholic bevarages for you to add to your shopping list. Here are the ones that don't taste completely rubbish and will make you feel like you're joining in on the fun.
The Debrief - Best Alcohol-Free Drinks

1. Alcohol-Free Budweiser
Smells like a Bud, tastes like a Bud, comes with a can. We'd say this is top of the 'how to pretend your drinking when you don't want to drink' pecking order.

2. Alcohol-Free Eisberg White Wine
A Sauvignon Blanc not as you know it but it's not *all *that far off. Unless you're a proper wine connoisseur... then you probably won't be into it at all. But it smells very grape-y which is as about as close to a white wine as you get in this game.

3. Alcohol-Free Erdinger Wheat Beer
As soon as we popped the lid on this one it smelt like a pub, so if you're into full sensory drinking go for this guy here. Pours with a generous head if that's how you like your beers but don't try it luke warm. It's not pleasant at all.

4. Alcohol-Free Kopparberg
Oh hey there sugary-sweet cider of our younger years. Honestly, I'd struggle to tell the difference between this one and the boozy alternative which, for these purposes, is a good thing. Teeth will probably feel a bit furry by the time you finish the bottle, though.

5. Alcohol-Free Rawsons Retreat Sparlking Chardonnay
I'm very sorry to say that we struggled to find a precise prosecco alternative. And technically this bottle of bubbles is 0.5% alcohol but we're pretty sure that doesn't really count... right?

6. Alcohol-Free Seedlp 'Spirit'
Here we have the world's first distilled alcohol-free spirit. As for which spirit it's meant to be, we're not sure. But it's made from peas (and smells like peas) but doens't taste half bad with some lemonade and/or orange juice.

7. Alcohol-Free Stowford Press Cider
Smells like a barrel of cider alright! And it really does taste pretty close to a pint of the alcoholic stuff that one rogue mate insists on ordering from the local pub.
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.