We are here to deliver the news that you've all been waiting for. Finally, a kitchen device has been invented that promises to stop your half-cut avocados from going brown. We know, it's a miracle.
While avocados are no doubt delicious healthy treats, they can also be a real pain to keep. Once they've been cut, they turn brown very quickly, meaning that you have only hours to eat them before they go off. Bugger.
But what do you do if you only ever eat half of your avocado in one sitting? Well, considering the hefty price tag of avocados, you certainly won't want to waste the other half by letting it go brown. But thankfully, that worry will now be a thing of the past, because a new kitchen utensil, dubbed 'Avocado Hugger', works to seal your avo off from the air and thus slow down its decomposition. Genius, no?

Available in two sizes (for small and large avos), the flexible silicone Avocado Huggers act like storage pods for half-cut avocados or wedges, meaning that you can put your food the fridge and save it for later. It even has space for the stone! Well, that's us sold.
You can buy the Avocado Huggers from Amazon.
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.