If your morning coffee isn't cutting it then perhaps it's time to consider upgrading(?) to Asskicker Coffee from Viscous Coffee in Adeleide, Australia.
See, normal coffee - like one shot of espresso (most cups you buy in Caffe Nero or Costa have two shots in them) has 64 mg of caffeine in. Asskicker coffee though? Asskicker coffee has five GRAMS of caffeine in, or nearly 80 times more than your average shot.
To put that in further context, that's around half the lethal dose for a 65 kg person. In one cup.
Steve Bennington, the dude who owns Viscous Coffee, came up with the idea when a woman, a nurse, asked him to create something to help her stay up for an unexpected night shift. He gave her a super strong cup that she sipped over two days and she stayed awake for three. 'I toned it down a little after that and the Asskicker was born.' Steve says proudly.
The final result that is now sold is made of four espresso shots, four 48-hour brewed cold drip ice cubes, 120ml of 10-day brewed cold drip and four more 48-hour brewed cold drip ice cubes.
Unsurprisingly there's a health warning attached. 'Caution', reads a chalkboard advertising the coffee. 'Persons with high blood pressure and/or heart condition(s). DRINK AT OWN RISK.'
Not that that's preventing teens (who else) from drinking it as a challenge. 'I talk to them first, make sure they understand what they are doing, and people often think I’m trying to talk them out of it.' Says Steve. 'It’s pure coffee, it’s good quality, and that’s the only problem, it tastes so good that it’s hard to make it last as long as it should.'
Thanks Steve. Thanks a bunch for your responsible adulting.
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.