You've probably heard of the Alkaline Diet by now - mainly because celebrities can't stop banging on about it. Fans who hail its praise include Kate Hudson, Victoria Beckham, Gwyneth Paltrow and Elle Macpherson. But what exactly is it and is it worth the hassle? Here's all you need to know.
Alkaline Diet Basics
The alkaline diet (aka the alkaline ash diet, the alkaline acid diet or the anti-cancer diet) works by manipulating the pH (power of hydrogen = acidity or alkalinity) levels in your body by what you feed it. When you eat, the body quite literally “burns” the food leaving behind an ash-like residue, which is either acidic, alkaline, or neutral. The Alkaline Diet claims that acidic ash is not good for you and can make you susceptible to illness and disease, but alkaline ash has protective properties. Neutral ash doesn’t do anything.
Some nerdy pH stats:

The pH scale is 0-14; 0 is completely acidic (dead) and 14 is completely alkaline (dead). In fact, any human below 6.8 or above 7.8 pH is pretty much dead.
Neutral pH: 7.0 Acidic pH: 7.0 or under Alkaline pH: 7.0 or over
Blood in a healthy body should have a slightly alkaline pH (ideally 7.4). Below or above this range is unhealthy. It’s good to get your pH levels checked by a doc every once in a while but you don’t need to go overboard like Elle Macpherson who apparently carries around a pH balance urine tester kit to check that she’s in an alkaline state at all times (“I believe that most ailments come from having an acidic body.”)
Alkaline Diet Foods List
The hardest part is figuring out what you’re allowed to eat on the Alkaline Diet and what you’re not. Here’s a starter guide.
Alkaline Foods
Food components that leave an alkaline ash are calcium, magnesium, and potassium foods, such as:

most fruits
most nuts
herbal teas.
Acid Foods
Food components that leave an acidic ash are protein, phosphate and sulphur, like:

fish and shellfish
most dairy products
most grains
processed foods (canned and packaged snacks and fast food)
fast foods and processed foods
fizzy drinks.
Neutral Foods
Neutral pH foods are natural fats, starches and sugars, e.g.:

fresh unsalted butter
fresh raw cream
raw cow's milk
Alkaline Diet Shopping List
You can find complete alkaline/acid food lists here and here or download and print this free Alkaline Food chart and you’ll be ready for a trip to the supermarket.
Alkaline Diet Myth
There are a lot of people who are trying to debunk the myth that the Alkaline Ash Diet can prevent serious illnesses because apparently, food can’t alter your blood pH level, only your urine pH level, rendering the whole theory useless. They also claim that some level of acidity is necessary and there is no need to cut out all acidic foods. Also, as in the case of vegans, if you’re cutting out dairy, meat and eggs, you need to make sure you’re getting your protein from somewhere in order to be healthy.
Another related myth is that foods containing acid are “acidic” but food's acid or alkaline forming tendency in the body isn’t related to the actual pH of the food. For example, although you’d think that citrus fruits would have an acidifying effect on the body, the opposite is true as their citric acid actually has an alkalinising effect. That’s just how it is. Accept it already.
Alkaline Diet and Cancer
The pretty big claim about this diet is that the Alkaline-Acid Diet can prevent cancer because “cancer cannot live in an alkaline body”. Although there hasn’t been sufficient proof linking the two, there have been a few studies which found that an alkaline environment may make certain chemotherapy drugs more effective or less toxic, and eating more alkaline foods is generally recommended for patients going through chemo.
Alkaline Diet Benefits
Despite the lack of evidence to support the claims that the Alkaline Diet can prevent major illnesses, there are a lot of other benefits to the diet. Followers of this diet believe that it could help prevent:
kidney stones
eczema and other skin disorders
type 2 diabetes
They also believe that it can help:
strengthen bones
strengthen muscles
improve the skin
improve mood
increase energy
improve heart health
improve brain function
reduce lower back pain
Alkaline Diet Pros and Cons
There’s a lot to take in with this diet. So we break it down into some important pros and cons.
You will lose weight (simply because you’ll be cutting out so much rubbishy food and replacing it with healthier stuff)
Your skin will glow
You’ll have more energy
You may be happier (if you’re not missing chocolate, coffee and alcohol).
You’ll have to give up some of your fave foods
Going out for coffee but not being able to have a coffee
Going out for a drink but not being able to have a drink
You’re basically now a vegan. Congrats.
It’s gluten-free. (Yup, you’re now the person who asks for gluten free everything at restaurants.)
Alkaline Diet Recipes
Cooking for an Alkaline Diet can be tricky at first so here are a few sites with LOADS of Alkaline/Acid Diet recipes to get you started: -
AAD (Acid Alkaline Diet)
Starting an Alkaline Diet Information
If you’re digging this whole pH diet thing and think it could work for you, here’s where you can get more info.
Alkaline Diet Book
Here are a few books chock-full with all the Alkaline Diet info, recipes and planning you need.
Demystified: The Alkaline Diet - Rebalance Your pH, Lose Weight Naturally & Improve Your Health With The Alkaline Diet
The Alkaline Cure: The 14 Day Diet and Anti-ageing Plan
Honestly Healthy: Eat with your body in mind, the alkaline way
Alkaline Smoothies: Drink Your Way to Vibrant Health, Massive Energy and Natural Weight Loss
The Acid-Alkaline Diet for Optimum Health: Restore Your Health by Creating pH Balance in Your Diet
The Alkaline Diet Plan: How to Lose Weight with the Alkaline Water and Diet Plan
The Alkaline 5 Diet by Laura Wilson
Alkaline Diet Youtube
If you’d rather get your info via YouTube vids, we’ve got you covered.
Acidic Foods vs Alkaline Foods
The Alkaline Diet Medical Course
Transitioning Your Diet to Alkaline Foods
Alkaline Diet: In Conclusion
Although there hasn’t been sufficient evidence to prove that the Alkaline Diet is the best way to live or that it can cure cancer etc., etc., it has been proven that increasing the volume of alkaline foods you ingest is a healthy thing to do, with the best diet being to eat 60-80% alkaline-forming foods and 20-40% acid-forming foods.
So you don’t have to cut out alcohol completely. You can stop crying now.
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.