Protein recipes appear to be taking up a lot of our Instagram feed as of late. From protein pancakes to oats infused with Neat Nutrition - they’re everywhere. But what if you’re vegan? Can you still munch away on those dreamy-looking chocolate oats? Or is there an alternative for you…
Here are seven (there are many more but you're never going to get through all of them, so we’re giving you seven food porn vegan protein recipes, all sourced from Pinterest), now go home and cook some of these bad boys up.
1. Vegan Protein Snickers

These look DIVINE. And I don’t ever use that word so that means something.
2. Ultimate Vegan Protein Burrito

One word everyone loves: burrito. Combine that with vegan and protein and you’re onto one delicious dinner.
3. Protein Breakfast Bars

These look like flapjacks but are much healthier so you could trick yourself into eating these if you’re trying to be healthy. Or dip them in (vegan) chocolate because #yolo.
4. Vegan Bao Buns

Look at these lil guys. So cute, so tasty.
5. Easy Vegan Chilli Con Carne

This vegan chilli con carne has a massive 25g of protein, so it’s the ultimate pre-evening workout meal. And it’s super quick to make, so there’s on excuse.
6. Vegan Banana Protein Pancakes

There is nothing better in life than pancakes. Apart from pizza - but for the purpose of this article, pancakes win. Especially these vegan banana protein ones.
7. Fudge Protein Brownies

Two words: need NOW.
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.