Broccoli isn't kale. It's not a super smooth, dead trendy avocado, it's not kohlrabi, daikon, sunchoke or any other of those confusingly named but achingly cool vegetables. Hell, it's not even it's more boring brother cauliflower which, thanks to cauliflower rice has enjoyed a comeback.
No. It's plain old broccoli. The stuff you used to hide under your mash to try and get out of eating when you were seven. But, actually, broccoli is the original superfood; the super cheap green veg that's got a list of health benefits as long as your arm. It's cheap and, even better, it's totally in season atm.

So, how to make broccoli delicious? Here's a few super easy ideas.
1. Lemon Poppyseed and Broccoli Salad

Time: 15 minutes
Pretty sure one of the major requirements for being a food blogger is being able to arrange foods in an aesthetically pleasing colour palette. Chelsea's Messy Apron (I know) is very good at this and this salad she's created is an excellent example. On the upside, it's dead easy to make, requires a bunch of stuff that you've probably already got and is bloody delicious.
2. Broccoli Tots

Time: 30 minutes
The unhealthy-ish option of the list. Broccoli tots are like broccoli, with cheese. And we all know that cheese makes everything all better. Unless you're lactose intolerent, in which case cheese makes you sit on the loo for four hours. Anyways, these, from the Two Bite Club are super easy to make and you literally just need eggs, broccoli, cheese, onions and breadcrumbs.
3. Garlic Roasted Broccoli

Time: 20 minutes
For some reason, adding the words 'garlic' and 'roasted' to any food makes it sound like it's going to be the best damn thing you've ever had the pleasure of putting in your mouth. This garlic roasted broccoli from Paleo Grubs is no different. The only thing you need to buy is broccoli; you guaranteed have everything else you need.
4. Asian Broccoli Salad With Peanut Sauce

Time: 15 minutes
Peanut sauce. Oh gosh. Is there any sweeter nectar in the whole of food land? This salad recipe from Gimme Some Oven comes with an super recipe for peanut sauce which you can definitely reappropriae for any other dish of your choosing. The salad though is super simple and all green, so you know it's got to be good for you. Just remember; green onion is spring onion is American speak.
5. Broccoli Spinach Soup

Time: 25 minutes
Don't be put off by the green colour of this soup from Simone's Kitchen; it's much more delicious than a green juice which, let's face it, nine times out of ten, taste like cold feet. Plus, it only uses broccoli, spinach, onion, coconut milk and a whole bunch of seasonings that you've probably got already. It's suitable for vegans and, providing you've got yourself a blender, takes less time than an episode of Friends.
6. Curry Broccoli Fritters

Time: 15 minutes
If you're off the gluten, there's still plenty of ways to have pancakes. Like with curry. For breakfast. You literally need broccoli. And coconut oil. And curry powder. And an egg. This might take a few gos to work out the perfect consistency but Empowered Substance who made the recipe says go with steamed broccoli if you need more moisture and rosted broccoli if you want a more smokey flavour.
7. Vegan Broccoli Balls

Time: 40 minutes
Instead of meatballs, make these. Whack 'em in your spaghetti or eat them on their own. Like you do with the IKEA meatballs you purchased on your last trip and stashed away at the back of the freezer. Vegan Richa's recipe is simple, but does take a little more time. So you've got to learn to be a bit patient. Worth it in the end though.
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.