5 Gluten Free Instagram Accounts You Need To Follow For Inspiration

What to eat when you can't eat bread

5 Gluten Free Instagram Accounts You Need To Follow For Inspiration

by Jess Commons |
Published on

Whether you’re allergic or just trying it out, going gluten-free can seem kinda hard. Like, what do you eat instead of bread? Well, as it turns out, lots of things. Follow these Instagram accounts for inspiration.

Gluten Free Rosie

London-based coeliac Rosie is queen of gluten-free living – seeing as she actually can’t eat it, unlike me, who’s just being a knob. Anyways, check out her Insta for delicious pictures of delicious gluten-free food, the recipes for which you can find on her equally excellent blog. Also, she has a super cute dog.

Gluten Free Girl

Another coaeliac, Shauna Ahern’s husband also happens to be a chef, which is handy. Check out her Insta for dreamy pictures of meals you can get recipes for on her blog (it’s pretty, erm, American, so take it with a pinch of salt). Also, her son is the actual cutest.

Carrie Vitt

Carrie has Hashimoto’s Disease (which means your immune system attacks your thyroid) and chronic migraines – all of which she claims to have overcome with her organic, unprocessed, grain-free diet. A good Insta to follow if you’re sick of quinoa.

Gluten Free Cuppa Tea

Becky’s great because she makes the kind of food you think you’re not allowed to eat as a gluten-free-er. Like pizza. And pies. And custard tarts. Yum. Also good at spotting new gluten- and dairy-free products you can use.

Hello Gluten Free

Rachel is dead good at cakes. And taking pictures. And, we’d imagine, eating cakes because all her cakes look better than any cake you’ve ever made in your life. Even though they’re minus wheat flour.

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Follow Jess on Twitter @Jess_Commons

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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