Things To Buy If Your Room Is The Size Of A Postage Stamp

Small bedrooms are an inevitable, if less than ideal, part of renting in a city. Here’s how to make the most of your limited space.


by Sophie Cullinane |
Updated on

Living in a bedroom more appropriately proportioned for a small-to-medium sized hamster is just another delightful side effect of being in your 20s in the midst of a national rental crisis. But why get down about it when you can (drum roll)... go to Ikea to shop for it? (Nah, that doesn’t really work does it.) Nonetheless, here are some genius things that you need to buy if you find yourself living in a bedroom the size of a postage stamp.

Shelving Is Your Friend

When you’re dealing with living in a tiny room, any inch of floor taken up by clumpy pieces of storage will mean you have to climb over your bed/desk/boyfriend every time you need to get up to go to the toilet. Less than ideal. Shelves are your friend and the higher up they are, the better so that they don’t infringe on your limited headspace.

Bookshelves can be so much more than just a place to plonk your books and DVDs and this storage unit can be wall mounted, meaning you can shove all of your clothes, HiFi system, records, shoes (the lot basically) out of harm’s way.

IKEA, £35


Hide Your Rubbish Under Your Bed

We’re sorry, but your bed is probably going to take up most (if not all) of the space in your room. But don’t mope, this can actually be a really good thing because it’s a canny place to hide all of your crap that you don’t want people to see.

Ottomon beds – where the mattress easily lifts up to reveal acres [read: a few feet] of floor space you never knew you had – are a sensible investment. As are some bog standard boxes to shove under there.

Wedo Beds, £169; Tiger, £3


READ MORE: Some Cheap Things To Make Your Bedroom Look Like It’s In A Magazine

The Beautifying Factor

Having a small room doesn’t mean you have to give up all hope of living in a beautiful space – just check out these amazing hanging tealight holders and vases, which will look really pretty hanging from your ceiling without taking up any precious floor space.

Goodhood, £8


Turn Your Storage Into a Work of Art

These picture frames can hold three (four at a push) records and would look amazing clustered together on a wall, making it one part shelving unit and one part work of art. We know. It’s genius.

FindMeAGift, £4.99

wall art

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Follow Sophie on Twitter @sophiecullinane

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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