A Few Things To Buy If You’re Moving In With Your Boyfriend

It doesn't have to be as hard as you think


by Jess Commons |
Updated on

So, whether it was down to true love or pure old boring finanical implications, you’ve decided to take the plunge and move in with your boyfriend. Living together isn’t going to be easy you know (get the IKEA trip out of the way only when you’re both in very good moods and not hungover at all, there’s nothing worse than feeling queasy while you tearfully argue over why you really do actually need a torva in your lives) but at least we can try and make the merging of lives process easier.

Here’s a few things to buy that'll totally help.

This charger he can’t possibly steal


It’s great living in a world where everyone’s got iPhone’s isn’t it? Never ever do you find yourself in a situation where someone doesn’t have a charger you can ‘borrow’. Until someone ‘borrows’ yours. Which is awesome because you can’t even prove that they've stolen it because all iPhone chargers look the same. Now you’re living with The Boy, you’ve lost track of who’s is whose and he’s forever ‘borrowing’ yours without asking. Put an end to all of this nonsense with this super cheap charger that comes in a rainbow of different colours meaning that he’ll never be able to ‘confuse’ your bright red one with his boring white one ever again.

99p – eBay

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This super cheap moisturiser


The odd dip into your £20 Liz Earle moisturiser when he stayed over at yours was just fine. Well, it wasn’t, but you could live with it. Now you’re in the same room though he’s treating all your expensive products as his own personal spa, you even came home to find him enjoying your Clarins face mask after a long bath last week. Forking out £.150 on this moisturuser that’s ‘just for his very own use’ might be annoying, but it’ll save you thousands in the long run. See also: shower gel, shampoo and facewash.

£1.50 - Sainsburys

A proper pan


You know this whole ‘moving in’ together thing means you’re a proper grown up right? Don’t worry, it doesn’t mean you’ve got to start trying on big white dresses any time soon, but you are definitely a step closer. Shame your pan collection is still the one your mum bought you from IKEA when you moved to uni halls a few years back. You’ve almost gotten used to the fact that everything you boil in your saucepan now comes with the bits of burnt pasta it’s picked up over the years. Invest in a new set of IKEA pans and one dead posh one that you’ll keep for life. You can’t afford Le Creuset, but you can definitely get a good knockoff in the form of this griddle.

£33.63 – Amazon

READ MORE: Get Your Snug On With These Excellent Duvet Covers

A neutral duvet


This is finally the excuse you’ve been looking for to chuck out that Cath Kidston floral number you’ve been harbouring for years, fake tan marks and all, and finally buy something sleek, chic and New York loft minimalist. Check out H&M for this won’t-break-the-bank white striped set which’ll look ace next to the distressed wood shelves you can totally get your boyfriend to build. Just send him off to the seaside to pick up a few pieces of driftwood he can upcycle.

£29.99 - H&M

A real BBQ


Our main concern about moving in with a boy is that we won’t see our friends quite as much and, no matter how super great the boy is, there’s no way he’s a good substitute for watching Made in Chelsea with. What you need then, is something that’ll basically bribe your mates into thinking your new pad is the place to go. If that ‘thing’ doesn't come in the form of a huge living room or a roof terrace you need to buy something that sets your house apart from the rest. Like, this BBQ which obviously only works if you’ve got an outdoor area. See also, Sky TV, a massive telly, and/or a massive cupboard filled with wine.

£21.99 - eBay

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Follow Jess on Twitter @jess_commons

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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