Matt Damon Wants To Buy Some Ladies A Drink But In A Really Really Good Way

Lose Your Lunchtime: sharing the love for Matt Damon


by Emma Gannon |
Updated on

Matt 'Daaaaamon', the posterboy for a whole of Internet memes following his portrayal in Team America is actually a rather brilliant digital philanthropist . First up there was his awesome #ALSIceBucketChallenge where he drenched himself in toilet water to highlight the lack of clean water for millions of people around the world, and now he's the face of another campaign to highlight water issues called 'Buy A Lady A Drink'.

Damon's charity at the 2015 Sundance Film Festival this year to this campaign which wants to highlight the fact that many women spend hours of their day in search of clean drinking water. These women around the world spend a combined 200 million hours each day seeking water for their families.

This programme is sponsored by Stella Artois, donating $1.2 million to and is offering limited-edition bottles for $12 with the proceeds going from each sale providing five years of clean water to one person in the developing world.

Follow the campaign here:

Follow Emma on Twitter at @girllostincity

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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