How To Make Your House Cosy For Cheap In The Final Stretch Of Winter

Cheap stuff to buy now to make the next six weeks bearable


by Jess Commons |
Updated on

So, Groundhog Day happened and Punxsutawney Phil has and unleashed his powerful groundhog weather prediciting abilities and decreed that we're going to have six more weeks of winter. Which is great, because we're really enjoying this snowy rain hybrid that's knocking about at the moment. One groundhog (not even the legit one from Punxsutawney) was so pissed off with the more winter weather news that he actually bit the town mayor mid-prediction which was HILARIOUS. Nice one Fake Punxsutawney Phil.

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Anyways, the novelty of being cold has worn so thin it's basically non-existent but you’re loathe to spend much money sorting it out due to there only being six weeks left and also you’re a cheapskate. So we pulled together a selection of the cheapest things to buy to cosy up your living room to make the home stretch bearable.

Roll on spring.

The thermal that’ll make up for your single glazed windows


Double glazing for less that £600 rent a month? HA! Don’t make me laugh. Double glazing’s a rich people luxury that’s years away from being anywehere within the reach of your poor peasanty fingers. Basically, the cold wind just passes straight through your window pane like water through a sieve. These thermal curtains (£8.99) ought to help your plight some. Sure they’re not pretty, but they are hella cheap and you’ll notice the difference immediately. If you’re too cheap for the curtains, buy a thermal blanket (£3) and nail it up with some teeny tiny nails that won't do much damage.

This blanket which will change your life


It’s not the most beautiful of throws(£6.99) but trust me on this one guys, it’s the absolute shit. My mum got me one for Christmas and it transforms everything into a giant cosy womb in which you can happily reside. Soft doesn’t even begin to cover it. Purchase one now and never look back.

This foil which will make your radiators work twice as hard


Remember physics kids? Nah, us either but we will share this science factoid with you; foil reflects heat. All the heat coming out of the side of the radiator that’s against the wall is currently escaping into the wall. Stick a layer of foil behind the radiator though and that heat bounces back and heats up the room. Plus it’s only £1.15.

This candle which will make up for the fact you don’t have a fire


I mean, obviously not, and in fact the fact that you don’t have a fire is probably a good thing due to your habit of getting drunk and falling asleep in all your clothes with all the lights on. Candles do generate heat though and this guy’s the cheapest 3 wick-er around. That’s 3 times the heat kids.

This guy

hot water bottle

Because you’re too old for a stuffed animal but no-one can tell you off for having a hottie (microwavable hot water bottle) in the form of an animal.

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Follow Jess on Twitter @Jess_Commons

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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