As much as they’re the biggest source of debate, frustration and long-term family feuds, board games are a beloved element of everyone’s Christmas routines. And while it nice to have a go-too activity and all, you’re probably not feeling all that excited about reliving the great-Monopoly disaster of 2014 (the time you lost because the dice aren’t your friend) this year.
So, in the spirit of not storming off in a strop when your mum suggests playing a game you really don’t want to play, here’s our definitive list of actually great board games for you to peruse and make a selection from. Because there are only so many Christmas specials your brain can handle and family bonding is fun and stuff...
Debrief Best Board Games 2017

1. Monopoly
Let's start with a classic, shall we? Don't be distracted by all the shiny, fancy new versions and stick to the original. The maker of breaker of relationships and enough to keep you going for the entire Christmas break. Chances are you've lost the original pieces so may as well get this one.

2. What Do You Meme?
Follow fuckjerry on Instagram? 'Course you do. But what you might not have caught on to is the fact is that he's turned those internet lolz into a IRL game for you and all of the (adult) family to enjoy. It's pretty straight forward - you just need to create the funniest meme out of the cards. Also one that you can dip in and out of in between rounds of left over Christmas dinner.

3. Cluedo
You guys, this is my favourite board game ever. Yes, it's a little labourious and requires actual attention (no TV in the background please) but oh, the suspense. Also fun to come up with really mature innuendos about someone giving Plum the candlestick in the dining room.

4. 221B Baker Street
Does anyone else now associate Sherlock with Christmas? If you miss it as much as we do then get your fill of detective drama in the form of a super fun game. There are 75 mysteries to try and solve as you travel through the streets of London. See it as an opportunity to test how intuitive you really are.

5. Scrabble
Don't pretend you weren't expecting to see this one there. If expanding your vocabulary is on your new years resolution list (never a bad one to add, to be fair) then here's your chance to brush up/learn from the grown ups in the family who tell you off for using 'like' in like, every sentence.

6. Kerplunk
2017 has been a year of nostalgia, so throw it back to the glory days of Kerplunk and having to scramble around the living room and getting your arm stuck underneath the sofa to try and retrieve the teeny tiny balls that got a bit out of hand.

7. Very British Problems
Another social media winner for you. If you don't follow the Very British Problems account on Twitter then go and do that first, and then order the game that'll have your aunts and uncles lolling all over the place. A moment to wear your socially awkward badge with pride.

8. Speak Out
Remember when this was super popular a couple of years ago but you never bought it because you were too cool for this sort of Tom foolery? Well, we've decided its cool again. Especially after a couple glasses of your nan's sherry.

9. Who's The Dude?
Charades got an awkward, mid-level funny upgrade, kids. One that you're brothers/cousins will probably be super into and you'll begrudgingly join in with. You basically have to act out the phrases on a card with the help of a blow-up man. Lol.

10. Now That's What I Call Music
How does your music trivia knowledge stand up because you're going to have to dig deep for this one. As an extension of the compilation albums that defined the 90s and 00s, now's your chance to shine. You know. If you're good at music and remember everything that happened on Top Of The Pops back in the day.

11. Trivial Pursuit, Family Edition
Now, we're not making any assumptions here but we're recommending the family edition because we all know that the adult Trivial Pursuit is really bloody hard and borderline impossible to get anything right and that's all we're going to say on the matter.

12. Concept
If you're in desperate need for some peace and quiet after an afternoon of over-excitement, may we suggest Concept. You have to try and get the other players to correctly guess a word or phrase using only the picture tokens. You have to be a bit creative and it's a tricky one to get your head around at first, so maybe start it before everyone's too merry to play.

13. Articulate
Another oldie but a goodie (that won't occupy your *entire *evening). You know the drill by now - describe things to your team mates as quick as you can to win all the points. If it ain't broke...
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.