Between the Beast from the East (no, I can't take the name seriously either) and all the angry, horizontal rain we've been getting, the weather has been all over the place of late. But, unsurprisingly, even in those brief moments of sunshine it's still been really bloody cold outside and if your flat is in a similar state to ours, it's been getting pretty damn cold inside too. And most of your beautiful, irregularly watered houseplants are as enthusiastic about the crazy impromptu temperature drops as you are.
Luckily enough, though, there are a select few houseplant favourite that are able to withstand the cold-warm-colder-freezing fluctuation without you having to compensate with extra upkeep. Let's be honest, as much as we want them to look nice, none of us have the time or inclination for high maintenance plant admin.
WATCH: Nik From Grace And Throne Explains Where We've Been Going Wrong With Our (Dead) Houseplants
How can you tell if a houseplant is in a room that is too cool?
We have already established that some houseplants are able to strive in the cold when a sudden winter wave surprises us at home. But how cold is too cold for our beloved plant friends? They certainly don't have the ability to cry like we did as children when we didn't get our favourite ice cream. There isn't a universal answer as houseplants come in all shapes and sizes from tropical plants to blooming plants. But there are some tendencies and common symptoms that indicate your plant is trying to tell you it's freezing it's ass off.
Droopy Leaves
What sort of houseplants prefer cold rooms?
So, before you lose heart and surrender your houseplant mission to the unconquerable freezing cold weather, have a peruse of these gems that we've found. These are the ones that'll still (hopefully) be standing should we get hit with another rogue snow storm. These are the ones that won't die just because your boiler broke down in the middle of a cold snap. These guys are the unsung horticultural heroes of indoor greenery.
The best houseplants for cold rooms

Dracaena Marginata
Okay so the Dracaena has more of a tolerance for cold snaps as opposed to loving them. But they're pretty hardy so don't panic too much about excessive maintenance. The key with these ones is not over watering the soil, otherwise they're pretty chill.

Cast Iron Plant
The clue's in the name, people! Cast iron plants can deal with super long temperatures without looking all sad and droopy. As long as there aren't icicles forming on the inside of your flat you'll be golden. Get your hands on this one.

A houseplant collection isn't complete without one of the pretty, flowering variation and as flowering plants go, the geraniums can withstand a fair bit. They only need about four hours of light a day too, so just make sure you pop them somewhere near-ish a window and you've got a reliable, long-lasting addition to your well decorated home.

Jade Plant
If you're after a succulent, you want to go for a Jade Plant. They like being in the cold for winter so won't suddenly die on you when the temperatures drop and you don't need to water them very often either so it's a bit of a no brainer.

Lemon cypress
The fact that the Lemon Cypres looks a little bit like a Christmas tree probably gives it's ability to withstand the cold away a bit. While they're good in the cold, they do like humidity too so make sure to keep these little guys nice and moist.

Sago Palm
A palm? In winter?! You better believe it. Otherwise known as the cycas revoluta in the gardening world, these plants hail from south Japan and is happy to grow when the temperatures are anywhere between the minus's and peak summer heat. Just make sure you water them a little less when it's cold as it takes longer for the water to absorb.

Snake Plant
They're stubborn, durable and look great quite literally anywhere. They don't like it when it gets super, super cold, but they'll survive fluctuations like absolute champs.

Ponytail Palm
The ponytail palm is one of those rare bad boys that will add flair to your room while also surviving cold and chilly winter days. It will also survive both dry air and soil. I mean this sounds like some easy to care for houseplant addition

ZZ plant
The ZZ plant - the name already sounds tough right? It is a tough and easy to care for plant that will survive in cooler rooms. We are talking about an independent plant that will get through unintentional neglect. And it's pretty too - Jackpot.

Maidenhair fern
Maidenhair ferns are one of these easy-going beauties that thrive in lower light situations and cooler temperatures. So don't you worry about those freezing winter evenings, this one will stay with you.

The Philodendron is one of those versatile plants that can easily tolerate shady spots and cooler temperatures without losing it's magic look. Simply the perfect addition to your indoor plant paradise.

Moth Orchid
Breathtaking colour combination that's for sure. At a first look you would think this beauty is fragile and need's a lot of attention. But they are actually very easy to care for and will also strive in colder rooms. Who would have thought...

Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is not only a trendy and Instagrammable choice but it's also easy to care for. Even though it originates from warmer climates it is happy to grow in our more temperate climate.

Chinese Evergreen
Yet another tough and undemanding houseplant that you need. The Chinese Evergreen is extremely tolerant to lower light levels and will certainly not mind cooler temperatures. The perfect winter houseplant companion.

When it comes to houseplants that comfortably survive and grow on cold winter days, Succulents cannot miss our list. They are highly resilient plants that can sustain any uncomfortable weather condition. The perfect winter buddy.
MORE: Fancy Growing Your Own Houseplants? These Ones Are A Good Place To Start
Debrief Grow Your Own Houseplant Slider

1. Cast Iron Plant
If you couldn't guess from the name, these guys are tough as hell. Forget to water it? NBD. Zero light in your flat? That's fine. It takes a while to grow but they get pretty big (about 90cms) and doesn't need any special soil or anything. Grow from an existing leaf if you want to speed the process up a bit though.

2. Citrus Plant
Don't wait for life to give you lemons, mate. Grow your own! The main thing to be aware of is the fact that these plants need a lot of good light so pop 'em in a nice and bright room for good results. Lemons are the best place to start in the UK, and you'll want to start these guys outside in the summer and bring them in for winter. If you're nervous about the pressure of growing something edible from scratch for the first time, locate a nursery and buy a one or two year old dwarf tree to grow lemons at home.

4. Chinese Evergreen
The key with these nice and resilient plants is to make sure you put it in some well draining soil. It deals really well with rubbish light, dry air and little water, so maintenance wise you're golden. You might be hard pressed to find seeds if you want to start this plant's journey from the very beginning but if you get a small one that you want to occupy some major space, just make sure you keep them away from pesky drafts because it'll make the leaves sad.

3. Peace Lily
Peace Lilies aren't just pretty plants, they also help get rid of some of the airs toxins and pollutants. If you fancy growing your own, you'll want to sow a seed in a good soil mix that you can get from any and every garden center, and water little and often. We're talking about a year or so wait to see something of substantial flower and size, but if they don't seem to be producing any flowers at all they're probably not getting enough light. Keep a close eye on them too, because they'll probably outgrow their containers pretty quickly so you'll need to repot them.

5. Spider Plant
Spider plants grow pretty quickly so if you buy one and find yourself with loads of little plantlets, you can just pot those up to grow yourself a little spider plant family. Just make sure the baby spider plants have got roots and pop them in a soil-based potting mix and water just regularly enough to keep the soil moist.

6. African Violets
As beautiful as African Violets are, before you task yourself with growing your own you'll want to make sure you've picked up the appropriate soil before hand. You'll be able to find special pre-made mixes around, and then it's just a matter of making sure you fertilise them (not while they're in bloom though) to help them grow and avoid getting the leaves wet when you water it.

7. Succulents
Yep, it's our buddies the succulents again. Growing them yourself means popping them in a potted container with drainage holes before confining them to a fancy glass terrarium, okay? Their seeds are teeny tiny so you need to make sure they're well covered with soil so that they aren't moved by over watering or drafts around the house. They grow best in humid environments of course, so you might want to try covering them with something like a shower cap (on The Greedy Vegan's recommendation) until they start sprouting.
Follow Jazmin on Instagram @JazKopotsha
This article originally appeared on The Debrief.