How To Go Out Without Actually Leaving Your House

It’s too cold to actually risk leaving your house, but that doesn’t mean that you need to miss out on your night out


by Sophie Cullinane |
Updated on

We don’t know if you’ve noticed, but it’s absolutely bloody freezing out there. Some parts of the country have already seen snow and with something called an ‘Arctic Blast’ set to hit us this weekend - which sounds like some sort of ominous military attack led by Santa Claus and a polar bear - showers are expected to turn into sleet and snow all over the country. It would be unwise to go outside, especially as you’re now spending all of you hard earned money on central heating bill and you’ve got a nice Christmas tree to look at and a bucket of mulled wine to dive in. But fear not, just because it’s sub zero outside doesn’t mean you have to miss out on your night out - there a plenty of ways to go out without actually leaving your house or, indeed, getting changed out of you fleecy pyjamas. Bonus.

Eating Out (In)

Now obviously everyone’s heard of takeaways, but what if you want to eat something from a proper, fancy pants restaurant that doesn’t deliver? Enter Deliveroo, which allows you to get amazing food from a great selection of local restaurants delivered to you in an average of 32 minutes. Think places like Pho, Dirty Burger, Tossed and Carluccios as well as a good selection of small local restaurants delivered straight to your door. At the moment it just operates out of London, but they’ve just secured a £2.75million investment to explained their distribution all over London and beyond. Just add a candle, some salt and pepper shakers and some cheesy music and you’ve got yourself a party.

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Going To The Cinema

Sometimes even schlepping it out to the relative warmth and squishy chairs of a Curzon cinema can seem like too much of an ask, so that’s why we’re pretty chuffed that the Cinema group are now giving you the opportunity to watch the latest cinema released and a curated selection of classic films from your own sofa. Basically, on a pay as you go basis (there’s no subscription fee) you can now watch the best of independent cinema from Hollywood mavericks and the latest foreign-language releases at the same time as their cinema release. And, unlike actually going to the cinema, you won’t annoy anyone (other than your housemates) when you have to keep asking what the hell is going on in Curzon’s typically arty film selection. This is all very good news.

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One of the most joyful things about clubbing during the summer is that you can leave in the wee hours of the morning safe in the knowledge that you will not get hypothermia. Not so during the winter months. That’s why Boiler Room is such a godsend and has basically alleviated any fear of missing out you might have. Boiler Room hosts invite-only live music sessions in mostly private locations with artists like Carl Craig and Mike Skinner, which they live stream on their website. It’s also really great for watching the few invited guests attempting to flirt in the crowd incognito. Hours of fun.

Take A Midnight Walk

Long strolls at any time past midday are pretty much out of the question if you don’t want to loose some of your toes to frost bite, but with Arounder, you can take a virtual tour around some of the most spectacular places on earth (and the universe - you can look around Mars and the moon - without actually having to get off your arse. The Tahiti tour is particularly amazing, as are cities like Paris and Beijing. They market it as the next best thing to being there and, whilst that might be a bit of a push, it’s certainly a lovely way to keep yourself from getting cabin fever during the worst of the winter months.

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Follow Sophie on Twitter @sophiecullinane

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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