Are all the glasses in your kitchen cupboards just a weird collection of ones left over from that IKEA starter set you got when you went to university and ones you've pinched from pubs over the years? They don't exactly scream grown up lady now do they?
If you've been a Debriefer for a while, you've probably got a healthy couple of cocktail recipes under your belt that you can pull out at any given moment (check out these ones too if not), but if your glasses game is letting you down every time you try to show off your mixology skills then we've got a solution for you. Excellent blogger PeasandNeedles has given us three super easy, super achievable ways to up your game so your glasses are as great as your cocktails.
Read on to find out how to take your glasses from blah to brilliant.
El Spotty

Things you will need: some old glasses, nail varnish, reinforcement ring stickers.

Using your little round stickers, stick them over the glasses in either a pattern or just place randomly.

With your nail varnishes, paint 2 coats over each sticker. Making sure they are dry before the second coat.

Leave over night to let them set and peel your round stickers off, your glasses are ready! They are not dishwasher proof and don’t leave them to soak otherwise the nail varnish will peel off.
Use with: The delicious Daiquiri. Get the recipe here){href='' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'}.
The Teachers' Pet

Things you will need: some old glasses, chalkboard paint, masking tape, paintbrush and some scissors.

With your masking tape and scissors, cut out strips and make a zip-zag pattern. Stick them onto the glasses making a rectangle shape.

With your blackboard paint, paint 2 coats over each masking tape area. Making sure they are dry before the second coat.

Leave over night to let them set and peel off the masking tape. Your glasses are ready! With some chalk, write each of your guests names on the glasses so they know which drink is theirs. They are not dishwasher proof and don’t leave them to soak otherwise the paint will peel off.
Use with: The fruit-tastic Melon Ball Cocktail
The Tri-Force

Things you will need: some old glasses, craft paint, masking tape, paintbrush, craft seal (varnish) and some scissors.

With your masking tape and scissors, cut out strips and make a random triangle fleck pattern and stick on your glasses.

With your craft paint, paint 2 coats over each masking tape area. Making sure they are dry before the second coat. Once dry paint a third coat but this time with the craft seal.

Leave over night to let them set and peel off the masking tape. Your glasses are ready! They are not dishwasher proof and don’t leave them to soak otherwise the paint will peel off.
Use with: The super-slick Gin Sling
For ace cocktail recipes you can make at home, head over to Mixed Cocktails__.
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Follow Lucy on Twitter @Peasandneedles and over on her blog Peas And Needles
This article originally appeared on The Debrief.