How To Christmas Decorate Your Crappy Flat For Under A Tenner

Eat your heart out mum. We can do Christmas, too


by Jess Commons |
Updated on

Feeling like your rented accommodation could do with a spritz of Christmas cheer, but can’t afford to spend the cash dollar your parents fork out on their pad? Here’s a few things to buy to make your house festive friendly.

The Tree

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You obviously can’t afford a real one and forget nipping into your local superstore and buying a crappy put-together fake tree. Those things look like Santa’s ingested them then popped them out the other end, before dumping it in the corner of your living room like a sad imitation of the majestic fir tress they’re meant to represent. Instead, get creative. These lights cost only £1.49 and, if you arrange them in a Christmas Tree shape on your wall, it’ll actually look pretty A-OK. No really – have a look at this.

The Baubles

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Just because you don’t have a tree, doesn’t mean you can’t have baubles. And, even though the big old fancy glass ones cost like, a million pounds (probably) you can get these fab ones from Tiger for just £2. Either pin them from your ‘tree’s’ branches, or hang them in the window to catch the light. Dead classy.

The Snow

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So what if 2014’s the hottest year on record. Global warming can’t mess with FAKE snow can it? Absolutely not. This snow in a can is a bargain-tastic £2.99 and can be used to fake Lapland on your windows even if it’s too warm outside to justify putting the heating on inside. Plus, if fake snow in a can doesn’t scream sophistication, we don’t know what does.

The Stocking

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Even if you’re not going to be there on Christmas Eve, a stocking’s still a necessary addition to the Christmassy-fied house. Even if it’s just so you can show your mum the pictures featuring the stocking (£1.39) in the background to remind her that one on the end of your bed this Christmas Eve wouldn’t go amiss. Even if you are 25.

This Tinsel Alternative

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For reals, no-one but no-one’s used tinsel since the last Royle Family Christmas Special. Instead, drape your home with this shiny ‘garland’ that, at 50p, is a darn site cheaper than tacky tinsel, too. It’s all about the subtle approach.

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Follow Jess on Twitter @Jess_Commons

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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