It’s time to pay some long overdue attention to our bathrooms, you guys. Because after a long shitty day at the office followed by a depressingly dull walk home in the dark, you’re going to want a pick me up. You’re going to want comfort. You’re going to want to have a bath.
Bath sceptics, bear with me. Yes, bacteria wise they might not be the healthiest way to wash on the regs. But from a de-stressing nucleus of all things zen perspective, we’re all for them. And whether you use giving your boring bathroom a bit of a spruce as an opportunity finally use the tub for it’s intended purpose rather than just the place where all the shaven leg hairs end up or not, there’s no harm in a little decorative upgrade now is there? Here’s the Pinterest-worthy inspo you need to do it.
1. Have a plant party

Who said houseplants can’t go in the bathroom? No one, that’s who. So you may as well go the extra mile and create a decorative wall of lovely little plants for you to look up at in admiration from your bubble bath.
2. All the moody mood lighting

We’re talking candles and fairy lights, people. The more the merrier, just make sure the candles are a safe distance from any towels and linens you have lying around.
3. Wall drama

If you want your bath time to fell that little bit more luxurious, pick up some fancy-schmancy wallpaper (something with gold on it is guaranteed to up the ante) and work it into a little area of wall space. Extra brownie points if you manage to carry the gold theme through the rest of the bathroom detailing like these guys did here.
4. Everything in its place

Yes, IKEA floating shelves are the unfathomable DIY nightmare we still can’t quite get our heads around, but look how great and helpful they are when they actually work. Having a place for everything means less chance of clutter. Zen doesn’t like clutter.
5. Find some matspiration

Nothing wrong with a little bathroom whimsy. Just keep it to the confines of your bath mat.
6. Give toilet roll a purpose

Rather than leaving it in the ripped plastic bag it came in (because no one ever throws it away and that last toilet roll always looks really silly sat there surrounded by droopy plastic on its own), pop all the loo rolls in a chic, purposeful basket instead. You’ll be surprised by how much of a difference it makes, trust me.
7. The most important bath accessory of all

For resting your glass of wine and that book you’ve been dying to read. But mainly the wine.
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Follow Jazmin on Instagram @JazKopotsha
This article originally appeared on The Debrief.