Instagram may have started as a public photo library but now it's so much more. It’s the first place we look for holiday, restaurant and, of course, outfit inspiration. When we’re feeling stumped it comes up with the solution. Take this morning, for instance, as we stared at our wardrobe lacking in inspiration it was Instagram that reignited our workwear mojo. In fact, it was five women in particular that saved us. Cutting through the trends they creatively pair colours and shapes together in elegant (and photogenic) ways. Take a look for yourself...
workwear october 22nd


Cos, Short Wool Pea Coat, £150

& Daughter, Roshin Lambswool Roll Neck, £295

Cos, Turn-Up Wool Trousers, £89


Arket, Mohair Blend Jumper, £89

Weekday, Singu Quilted Skirt, £60

By Far, Tanya Black Suede, £281.54


Marks & Spencer, Cotton Rich Blazer, £99

Marks & Spencer, Cotton Rich Trousers, £65

Miu Miu, Nappa Leather Booties, £700


H&M, Silk Shirt, £69.99

Uterque, Deluxe Belt, £79

& Other Stories, Plisse Pleated Midi Skirt, £49


American Vintage, Women's Jumper, £160

Theory, Slip Skirt, £330, Harrods