Party Like Prince Harry: Here Are The Top Five Pool Party Venues

Prince Harry Pool Venue

1. Shoreditch House
Perhaps London’s most famous pool party venue, the rooftop pool at this members club features a beach hut, a garden and panoramic views of the East London rooftops. Pool parties are every Sunday.

2. The Roof Garden at Sanctum Hotel, Soho
Although minus a pool, Sanctum’s gorgeous roof garden does have a jacuzzi to keep the pool party atmoshpere going throughout the winter months.

3. Club Aquarium, Old Street
On the slightly more gritty end of the scale, Club Aquarium boasts two dance floors, lots of hipsters and an indoor pool.

4. The Pool Bar, Haymarket Hotel
Perfect for private parties, Haymarket Hotel’s pool can be fully or partially covered, depending on the weather.

5. The Egg
Party Like Prince Harry: Here Are The Top Five Pool Party Venues
Ooh he’s a cheeky chappy that Prince Harry isn’t he? His vacation in Vegas has turned into a right royal scandal after pictures surfaced showing Britain’s third in line to the throne gambolling around a hotel room in the nude.
Apparently he was playing a game of ‘strip billiards’, and by the state of Harry’s undress, we’re guessing he wasn’t winning!
Before those piccies were taken however, Harry and his pals were spotted at one of MGM Grand’s Wet Republic pool parties, just getting up to normal everyday stuff like drinking, sunbathing, hanging out and challenging United States Olympic gold medallist Ryan Lochte to swimming races. As you do.
Fancy getting your pool party on like Prince Harry? Here’s our top places to make a splash in London.