In 'things that we probably could've guessed' news, appazza Miley Cyrus has a sex tape. Lots of sex tapes in fact.
According to reports, Miley and her boyfriend Patrick Schwarzenegger are in the habit of making tapes and then deleting them once they've watched them to make sure they don't leak. A source said, 'Miley has mentioned that their sex life has consisted of filming and taking pictures but they are instantly erasing it after watching and looking at it. Plus Miley likes using candy, like lollipops.'
While you ponder on that mental image of Miley wrapping her wayward tongue round a lollipop while getting it on with Arnold Schwarzenegger's offspring, let's take a look at some other famous sex tapes...
Paris Hilton and Rick Salomon
Once upon a time (in 2004) Paris Hilton was just your average heiress, until a leaked sex tape with her then boyfriend Rick Solomon made her famous enough to have her own reality show, era-defining singing career and enough tiny dogs to start some kind of theme park. Now she's Paris actual Hilton and he's that man that once had sex with her on the internet. Bonus points for calling it 1 Night in Paris.

Kim Kardashian and R J
Back in 2007 Kim was caterpulted to stardom after starring in a 39-minute X-rated film with Brandy's brother. What could have been an embarrassing footnote in history was leveraged by her mum Kris Jenner to secure a reality show for the whole family and a £3m payout for Kim. Not weird or creepy at all.

DISCLAIMER: We have no idea who the woman in the middle is, she wasn't in the sex tape, please don't sue us.
Katie Price and Dane Bowers
If the image of Dane Bowers pleasuring Jordan with his foot isn't entrenched on your psyche then you were doing being a teenager wrong. In 1999 Katie and Dane made sex tape history when their bedroom fumblings went viral before going viral was a thing. This is the first and last time that you will hear Dane Bowers described as a trailblazer. Savour it.

Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee
One of the first celebrity sex tapes to ever make waves online, Pammy and Tommy's effort was recorded on their honeymoon in 1995, which is pretty romantic. The tape was stolen from their house, which isn't very nice whichever way you cut it, and Pamela received a confidential settlement from the distribution company. Go Pam!