Brody Jenner Reveals His Relationships On ‘The Hills’ Were All Fake (Yes, Even LC)

Brody Jenner Reveals His Relationships On 'The Hills' Were All Fake


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Brody Jenner – son of Caitlyn and star of the original reality TV show to spawn all others,* The Hills* – has dropped a most shocking bombshell that is sure to devastate and disillusion a generation of die-hard Hills fans. Err, or not.

Mr Jenner has revealed that all of his romances on the early Noughties smash-hit show about the over-privileged beautiful youth of Los Angeles were fake. Reality TV shows with sham story-lines? Are our ears deceiving us? SURELY not? Speaking on his new show ‘Sex With Brody’ on Yahoo Style, the 31-year-old revealed, ‘I would say that the hardest part of it was having to live that fake reality and not being able to say, “I didn’t screw every girl on the show,” he said. ‘I didn’t have sex with Jen Bunney. I didn’t hook up with Audrina [Patridge]. I didn’t hook up with any of these girls. And then you get all these people saying, ‘Oh, Brody’s a male whore. He sleeps with all these girls,’ when in actuality I didn’t do that.’

So all that poolside girly sobbing into a bowl of fro yo to the strained crooning of Natasha Beddingfield was a load of old cobblers? But wait, there is more! Mr Jenner (btw who could have for-seen back in 2006, a whole year before KUWTK hit the planet how culturally big that name would become outside sporting circles?) also dropped this clanger about the star of the show, Lauren Conrad.

‘A lot of that show was scripted. A lot of it was improv. Lauren’s a dear friend of mine, and it was pretty funny to have to live that reality. We were just friends. We’d film a scene of us kissing or being in this lovey-dovey scene, and then right after it would be like, “Cut,” and we’d be like, “Great to see you,” and we’d go our separate ways.’

For those uneducated – or can’t remember – one of the central plotlines of The Hills focused on the turbulent ‘romance’ between Lauren and Brody. A seminal drama-point was when Brody ‘hooked up’ with his childhood friend Jen Bunney, who was also one of LC’s BFF’s. But now we know it was all as real as Rachel and Ross. Or Carrie and Big. Sigh This reality TV bombshell leaves us so disturbed that we now wonder for all those other great romantic unions of the reality world…how does this affect our opinions on the recent split between Brody’s stepsister, Kourtney Kardashian? Never mind all the reality ‘romances’ over here on this side of the pond…lolz.

Also, finally, for the eagle-eyed reality addicts, it won’t have escaped your notice that the chap interviewing Brody on this new online web series, is himself a former Reality TV star. Joe Zee, now editor-in-chief of Yahoo Style, was a character on The Hills spinoff show, The City, when he worked at Elle magazine. Is this a former reality TV stars’ collaborative conspiracy to expose the reality behind reality TV? Stay tuned…

By Emily Maddick

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