We are now in peak Fifty Shades mania. It is the world premiere on Wednesday; the London premiere on Thursday and it is in cinemas on Friday. Today W Magazine have posted a number of behind-the-scenes shots from filming, taken by director Sam Taylor-Johnson.
The reviews came in today, and it was reported that some viewers were left 'frustrated' at the sex (or lack of sex) scenes in the movie. But in the black and white images by Sam Taylor-Johnson we see a whole lot of Jamie and Dakota.
There is a close up of Jamie and Dakota filming one of their sex scenes, and Sam captions the image: "A still from the first lovemaking scene in the movie. There were probably 10 to 15 people in the room. It’s an incredibly intimate shot in an unintimate setting. "
In another image Dakota lies on the carpet in Jamie's apartment totally stalkers, while Jamie sits in a chair looking like he's waiting for a bus files image under Dakota and Jamie, no chemistry. Sam's explanation of this image is straight to the point: "[Here] is Dakota Johnson, naked on the floor."

In an interview with* W Magazine* Sam says: “I had to be faithful to the book. There were, if you like, manacles. But there was also room for trespassing.”
“The whole book, and the movie, is about control,” Sam added. “And in a sense, the whole process of making the movie also became about control. This is my first studio film so I quickly wised up to the fact that I couldn’t free-form it too much. Coming from a totally autonomous position to answering to a lot of people can be kind of a shock initially.” Head over to W Magazine for more on-set shots from Sam.
See more stills from Fifty Shades in the gallery below...
50 Shades Of Grey Film











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