I don’t know about you, but accessories are my catnip. Sure I wouldn’t say no to a designer dress, but I find myself gravitating towards handbags. Totes, shoulder bags, wristlets - I'm not fussy. Where trends dictate colour and shape, bags seem to exist above the seasonal whims of designers. Certain silhouettes and styles never go out of fashion - just ask Chanel who have been doing a fine trade with their quilted 2.55 flap bags since 1929 and Hermes who have long waiting lists for their Birkin and Kelly bags.
Tolkien may have had one ring to rule them all, but when it comes to handbags it’s the more the better, I’m afraid. So much so that Harrods has a roll call of bags for every aspect of life - from the evening clutch to the microscopic mini day bag to the capacious work-to-weekend tote and beyond. It may surprise but Harrods’ online offering is instant gratification for shoppers at every price point. There are plentiful options for Michael Kors fans, Louis Vuitton fanatics, Burberry, Ted Baker, Chloe and Christian Dior shoppers. Really there’s no need to visit the iconic department store’s Knightsbridge location as these designer bags can wend their way to you in the mail.
Of the 2403 handbag options Harrods is serving at the touch of a button and scroll of a finger, here are the 13 most gorgeous styles