Need Help Through A Tricky Period? Now There’s A Tampon For You And Your Friend

A Tampon You Can Share With Your Friend?!


by Edwina Langley |
Published on

As we reported last week, Donald Trump claimed Fox anchor Megyn Kelly had 'blood coming out of her... wherever', after she dared to question him about misogynistic tweets he'd posted.

Using the hashtag '#periodsarenotaninsult', Trump was bombarded by a legion of posts, shaming him for his derogatory language and highlighting the fact that even on our periods, us women – SHOCK HORROR – still function as human beings.

And whilst, of course, that's true, it's not to say that periods are easy. Indeed, the beginning stages of the menstrual cycle are, for many, inexplicably difficult – a painful, exhausting ordeal, no man could ever understand (no matter how hard they might try).

A person who can understand it, though, is your BGF (best girlfriend). How much easier would that time of the month be, if she only she could experience it with you? Well now, she can apparently...

Introducing the 'Friends Forever Tampon' – a tampon with two plugs, linked together by a single string. Yes that's correct: one cotton plug for you, one for your best pal, joined. Think we're joking? We're not.

FFT creator, Kat Thek, told New York Magazine that the new duo-tampon has been designed to 'bring you extremely close to your best friend', for 'up to eight hours at a time'. She went on to say she is considering introducing a 'Squad Goals Tampon' (a group tampon for your close-knit circle of friends) and even a 'Friends Forever Maxi Pad'; that's, a sanitary towel to share (the design for this is still in production).

While you might scoff at this 'trend' taking off, it does nonetheless send out a powerful message. Which is that, the shared experience of periods bring women closer together. We are united in our monthly cramps, our bloatedness, our aches, pains and emotional anguish – and we triumph over them every month.

So in fact, in spite of the monthly wretchedness they so often entail, periods can not only strengthen the Sisterhood, but make us stronger, individually, as well.

And with the help of the mighty tampon (Friends Forever version or otherwise) contrary to Trump's assertions, blood is actually prevented from coming out anywhere.

Which means that in the case of *That *Menstruating Matter at least, it's rather obviously:

Trump – 0, Tampons – 1


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