Yes, it’s August. And no, we haven’t even had the chance to bare our bods on a beach yet, but may we draw your attention to, wait for it – drum roll please – COATS?
There is method in our madness. For right now, this very minute, coats are rolling into stores up and down the country: long ones, furry ones, punchy-coloured ones, ones that are shiny, checked, quilted, plain, fancy, luxury, budget... you name it, they’re
being dispatched with alarming enthusiasm.
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Call it the fashion system being woefully out of sync with the climate or salute the retailers ready to catch the early worm.
Either way, it has sparked The Coat Commitment Conundrum: to place your bet in the heat of summer or to hold until autumn and run the risk of losing out altogether.
Before you dismiss us, we’d ask you this: a) do you agree that a coat is the biggest single wardrobe investment for autumn/winter?
b) This being a larger-than-usual purchase, would you ever buy a coat on a whim without giving yourself time for the necessary
research? And c) have you ever spotted a coat and thought, I’ll get that when it’s cold enough to wear, only to find it sold out three months ago? If you answered yes to all the above, you’re in the right place. Here, then, are the best coats to buy now that nail all the upcoming trends. You’re welcome.
Could you commit to a coat? - Grazia

french connection coat
Runaway Wool Long Coat, £180 from French Connection

net a porter coat
Kate Oversized Wool-Blend Felt Coat by Rejina Pyo, £895 from](
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