When it comes to handbags, sometimes we can really live by the bigger, the better. One bag in particular that has stood the test of time: the infamous tote bag. With brands like Mulberry and Christian Dior leading the way with oversized totes, the price for bigger bags is certainly high. The answer to our handbag envy? A designer tote bag sale, of course.
If you haven't already got one, prepare for your daily life to be made much easier. Seen on the likes of Gigi Hadid and Dua Lipa, the tote bag is a timeless piece that will take you from work to weekends to travelling around the world. Recently, Anya Taylor Joy was spotted holding the large Dior tote bag - which has been seen on countless other celebs.
Rosie Huntington-Whiteley is also a regular tote fan, showing off styles like the Prada Raffia Tote, which just seems to become more popular every summer.
The good news is that many of these designer tote bags are now in the sale, so you can invest in your own timeless carry-all for less.
SHOP: The Best Designer Tote Bag Sales
Whether you carry this as a top handle tote or use the strap to wear it as a cross-body style, Chloe's bag is an investment worth making.
Available in different colours, this compact tote will stash all of your essentials but is the perfect size to carry with you all day without being cumbersome.
The wool finish of this tote gives it a stylish twist – the bag is inspired by the woven straps which draw from Mexican handcrafts.
For a real classic, you can't go wrong with Givenchy's shopper. Also available in dark khaki, this is one investment purchase that will never go out of style.
Not all totes have to be supersized. This party bag from 16Arlington will fit more than just your phone and credit card but is still small enough to take with you to the dance floor.
Look ahead to all future holidays and invest in Balenciaga's chic tote. Designed to resemble an upside-down sun hat, this bag will be your summer essential for years to come.
This lightweight tote has a detachable shoulder strap, so it can also be worn as a cross-body bag for extra practicality.
The chicest iteration of hand luggage you could find, this bag will be perfect for weekends away or even longer trips.
Whether you're carrying your laptop or trying to fit everything you need while on the school run, Tory Burch's bag will do it all for you.
Telfar's signature (and often sell-out) tote gets a playful makeover thanks to Melissa. Add this to the most basic of outfits for a flash of colour.
Ideal for laptops, books or just an incredibly stylish way to transport your gym kit, ROTATE's tote will add a bit of sparkle to your daily life.
If you're looking for a smart tote for work that still has a stylish edge, Anya Hindmarch's iconic bag is it. This will even fit a standard-sized laptop.
A summer essential, a straw tote will keep you organised for all those beach trips and holiday moves.