Some people have special talents, like singing or do the splits. Well, mine is feeling guilty. I really excel in giving myself a hard time. Sometimes, I can be calmly sitting on the bus with absolutely nothing to be worried about and my brain will decide it needs to search for something, anything, to feel bad about.
Although I realize this is ridiculous, on and on it goes. It’s the party trick no one wants to have. Number one in my guilt-ridden thoughts is usually regret. Shoulda, woulda, couldas are probably the most pointless concerns you can have.
With that in mind, I did a little brainstorm with my equally worrisome friends to bring you the Top 5 things you should never regret…
1. Giving Up –
We’re not saying you should do it often but if something makes you miserable, it’s ok to call it a day.
2. Feeling Like A Geek At School –
Stop beating yourself up for not having the same sass you have now back in the class room.
3. Failing At Something –
If you are not failing, you’re not trying hard enough.
4. Giving Someone Another Chance -
And then realising you were right all along. It feels horrendous at first but it’s the only way you learn to trust your gut.
5. Cutting Your Own Fringe –
This can be seriously traumatic. Once you take the plunge and end up looking like a 12 year old - you only have yourself to blame. Unfortunately, it’s a learning experience, so you will try at least 3 times before you finally admit you’re not very good at it.