Workout Gear From History You Need To Bring Back To The Gym

If someone could bring back the frilly leotard and heels look for weightlifting that would be great thanks

Workout Gear From History You Need To Bring Back To The Gym

by Jess Commons |
Published on

If you think the loud leggings that currently make up the gym look du jour are bonkers enough then prepare to thank your lucky stars that you didn't try and work out back in the day. Here's some awesome, fantastic stuff that women working out used to wear.

The half dress/half leotard n' heels weightlifting look

If you thought weightlifting was a hardcore sport today, spare a thought for old timey women who had to do it in a frilly swimsuit dress and heels. Pulled muscles are literally nothing if you're fighting against the very real possibility of snapping your dainty little lady ankles.


The 'I've been forced to wear this tracksuit' look

In Soviet Russia, tracksuit wears you.

The motherf**** shell suit

Nothing says American 'mom' power walking round the neighbourhood with her pals Cheryl and Karen like this tracksuit that early 90's Madonna is sporting. The shell suit has the added extra bonus of reflecting light to make you extra appealing to muggers and/or people looking for someone to throw eggs at.

The crotch huggin' swimsuit

How much faster would you swim if your vagina was being pinched by a too-tight wool crotch-rider?

The 'nailed it' one

This one rocks. I've already got the shoes, and now if someone could direct me to the nearest tube sock and gym knicker apparel shop I'll be on my way.

The 'are you guys OK and is this a cult' look

Jane Fonda's got a lot to answer for. What happened to all these women here is a tragedy of fantastical proportions. Chances are they never got over this picture, chances are they were so blinded by the colours and the lycra and the perms that they never learned how to dress properly. Chances are they're still in this there studio, desperately two stepping and lunging in time to Flashdance (What A Feeling).

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Follow Jess on Twitter @Jess_Commons

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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