Finally! Something from London Fashion Week you’ll actually be able to afford! (Well, when it actually hits stores in six months time that is…) We saw a few key pieces from the Whistles collection for aw14 – and there were more than a few items you’ll probably want to add to your future shopping list. Think cable knits, slouchy trousers, patchwork coats and a lot of lilac.

We grabbed two minutes with the woman behind it all: Jane Shepherdson – who you’ll remember left Topshop seven years to move to Whistles and has managed to turn it into the shop that’s cool – but still one that you’re mum/boss approves of. (Always handy).
**The Debrief: So, what was the thinking behind this collection? **
Jane Shepherdson: The starting point was to do evening-wear, because we’ve never really done it particularly well. We’ve always felt that it was either going to be too bling or too dressed up, and it kind of didn’t work with our effortless aesthetic. But we thought we’ve got to do it, because everyone wants to wear it. So we’ve done it this time – and I think it feels elegant, but not prohibitively so.
**DB: And it’s all lilac! **
JS: Yes. Lilac was just the colour we thought, ‘Wow – go for it!’ And no-one’s done it for ages.

DB: Quite a tricky colour to wear though, no?
JS: Well, people think that, but the models today are pale, and on pale skin it’s actually really nice. It depends very much on the shade and the fabric, so we’ve experimented an awful lot with different shades on different yarns and textures, so it kind of works.
DB: Talking of tricky trends. What’s the deal with your pool slides?
JS: They just kind of easy. We thought they stop the pleated silk skirts looking too lady-like or too grown up.

DB: Every season there’s one cult item from Whistles that every fashion editor in the world wears almost constantly – which then sells out. What’s that going to be this time?
JS: The lilac faux fur coat. Well, so far today, if I was writing orders, I’d have sold them all.
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DB: And finally: give us a tip as to how to shop most effectively in Whistles all year around?
JS: The best way is to come in and talk to our staff. I really think there are a lot of people who don’t have the time to experiment and just think, ‘I’m going to come in and buy that one piece and then leave.’ But our staff are really good at outfit building, so it’s worth going and asking them to recommend things.
Follow Hattie on Twitter @hattiebrett
This article originally appeared on The Debrief.