10 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show Costumes That Could Actually Be Useful To You IRL

Thank goodness for the Victoria's Secret Fashion show which shows how wearing outlandish costumes can help us conversationally-challenged millennials convey our emotions better than we ever could with words.

10 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show Costumes That Can Be Useful To You IRL

by Jess Commons |
Published on

Last night the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show happened. Obviously. It's your whole Instagram feed. It's your entire news cycle. It's the only thing anyone has mentioned today. Which is a shame because today is also the day when Shelter announced that there's 250,000 homeless people living in England rn. And it's cold out there guys. Donate, donate, donate in time for Christmas.

Anyway - over here at the Debrief, we're stillconfused about the purpose of the Victoria's Secret show. Is it a fashion show? Is it a lingerie show? Is it a highly organised spectacle to drive sales? Or, is it, as we suspect, a PSA designed to help you understand what clothing is appropriate to convey your true feelings to the world?

See, as millennials, we're not very good with words. In fact, there's even been studies that say we find it easier to convey our emotions through the medium of emojis, rather than using our words. What we suspect the Victoria's Secret show is aiming to do, is to prove to us poor, socially inept millennials how novelty dressing could also aid us in our bid to convey our emotions and our intentions.. Let's take a look at some of the examples from last night shall we?

1. When you're a piece of shit who forgot his birthday but you know you're all the present he needs anyway.


2. When the lonely goatherd needs a bit more than 'yodel lay ee yodel lay ee yodel lay hee hoo'.

3. When you've skipped PE successfully for an entire year and show up triumphantly for the last class of the term.

4. When your favourite film is the 1999 Will Smith-starring steampunk action flick Wild Wild West but no-one else gets it.

5. When your sole intention is to get caught on every fucking thing you walk past all day and also to look like a bit of a knob.

6. When you've got 7000 dog memes saved on your phone but your mum won't let you get a real one.

7. When you've got Oktoberfest at 7 but pheasant shooting at 9.

8. When you visit Shanghai on your gap year and bring back your woke new cultural learnings to Sweden.

9. When the dress code says 'demure' but your crush is going to be there.

10. When you try and do a convincing Bruno Mars costume and actually fucking nail it.

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Follow Jess on Twitter @Jess_Commons

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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