These Vagina Necklaces Are So Hot Right Now

Chuck out the choker, there’s a new necklace in town

These Vagina Necklaces Are So Hot Right Now

by Charlotte Hudson |
Published on

When jewellery designer Emily Fitzgerald debuted her vagina necklaces on her Etsy shop, Moonflower Creations, the demand was so great; she sold out completely and had to shut up shop for a week in order to catch up with requests.

Upon creating her first yoni necklace – yoni being the Sanskrit word for your lady bits – Emily was reluctant to post a picture to her Instagram, worried how her followers would react and deterred by her daughter who called her ‘a freak.’ Thankfully, Emily ignored her inhibitions and has since seen sales soar and her Insta fanbase rise to almost 90k followers.

A photo posted by Emily (@mullum_moonflower) on Jan 6, 2017 at 3:58pm PST

The pussy pendants – just like real vaginas – come in all shapes, shades and sizes. Asides from the more realistic yonis, Emily also produces ‘galaxy puss girls’ that come in iridescent pastel tones (but are also available in rainbow edition because why the f not?), glitter-filled yonis, crystal-filled yonis and – my personal favourite – the all-seeing vagEYEnas, that are pretty much self-explanatory. All yonis arrive adorned with a tiny pearl clitoris but clitoral piercings are optional.

Due to the great popularity of her necklaces, Emily has decided to expand her brand and hopes to soon stock rings, earrings and even hanging wall mirrors. (You have our granted permission to slap any man who tries to pull the predictable and wholly unintelligent ‘I can see myself in your vagina’ gag.)

While the majority of feedback Emily has received has been extremely positive – from women who have suffered from vaginal health issues, those thanking her for normalising the female body, and lots of people who just think the pendants are really damn cute – there are, as always, those who are* deeply offended *by the artistic representation of a normal human body part that over 50% of us have down there.

Put two fingers up to patriarchy and head over to Emily’s store to purchase your very own yogi. Because there is nothing that says I am woman and I am proud, quite like a hanging a big, glittery vagina around your neck.

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Follow Jess on Instagram @charlotteashx

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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