As a fashion editor, I’m always curious about the psychology behind people’s fashion choices. The syntax of a slogan top, the cut of a coat or the colour of a sweater is an insight that can’t be ignored. That a £25 yellow crop top embroidered with the slogan ‘Only The Strong Survive’ is Urban Outfitter’s best selling item this week really shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone who’s been paying attention.

Some slogans drawn of fashion trends, some bring the wearer’s sense of humour in to focus while others make a political point. This lemon t-shirt does all three. While riffing on Vetement’s cult DHL top that’s the same buttercup shade, it allows the wearer to make a statement about themselves and their outlook on life. And, when read in a particular light it can be seen as an empowering political message about staying strong in the face of turmoil. So, no wonder its been a hit with the UO crowd this week of all political weeks.

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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.